OpenDiary is for suckers.

Who the hell wants an Open Diary? I will tell you what kind of person gets an OpenDiary – a sucker. Face it, putting your thoughts out there to total strangers who are free to criticize your life with impunity is something only an idiot would subject themselves too. And if you think that your diary will be up whenever you want and that vital data will never get lost or stolen, well, you obviously weren’t here last year.

However, when you are reading to stop being such a dumb bastard, hear me out. I have created my own internet diary site! Yup, it is ClosedDiary.

 Because my life is none of your fucking business. 
Unlike the horrid process of opening up an OpenDiary or a LiveJournal, making a closed diary is easy. If you are running Windows anything, all you need to do is right-click on your desktop. A menu will appear. Highlight the NEW option and a list of various files will come up. Highlight the [Text Document] option and click on it. Afterwards, type in whatever username you want and press [Enter] to activate your new ClosedDiary.

It’s that fucking simple. Now, whenever you want to make an entry, just double-click on the notepad icon. That icon will open up a blank page where you are free to express your views, beliefs, experiences, and feelings with no restriction or security concerns.

There are many benefits this system has over OpenDiary:

1). Hacker proof. No one will ever delete or modify your entries but you.
2). 100% uptime. That is, unless you turn your computer off or the power goes out.
3). Total privacy. You don’t ever have to worry about assholes mouthing off or reading your private thoughts.
4). No need to memorize usernames or passwords – your diary is already 100% secure without needing either.
5). No advertisements. Ever.
6). No limits or restrictions to content. Feel free to libel, defame, cuss, swear, or write racist/prejudicial remarks, and not get judged for them. No annoying overlord or webmaster to get in your way.
7). Diary backup is super easy. Make as many backup copies as you want and protect them from alterations with the "read only" security setting.

With all these benefits, no one can deny that ClosedDiary beats OpenDiary by a long shot. And today, I am selling it at a special discount price of just $28 a month!!! =D All you need to qualify is to send me your name, e-mail address, home address, telephone number, and social security number (for authentication purposes). This offer is only good until the end of the month, at which time the fee goes up to $30 and I make even more money off your ass by selling your contact info to spam companies and get-rich-quick scams! I accept PayPal and BidPay.

-His Divine Shadow

Log in to write a note

You sound cheerful. But i agree with you, on totaly strangers reading about your life. But sometimes its alright, i mean if you need advice and everything right?

I dunno, I tend to write stuff with the intent that someone somewhere will read it someday, so I might as well just post it here and let people read it. I like the whole being able to comment on entries thing.

April 27, 2005

oooo….i want. can i have your addy to send you the money?

But HDS, I am an attention whore. If I don’t have an Open Diary, how will the intarwebs tell me I’m pretty?

April 27, 2005

Oh, that was just fucking great.

April 28, 2005

Don’t listen to him! I’m selling KlosedDiary, a MUCH BETTER version of the software, for only $25. Contact MEEEEEEEEE!

April 28, 2005

Does the irony of posting this in here escape you, my dear? 😉

April 28, 2005

I guess by making this entry, and by your own definition, you either suck, or are a sucker, depending on your use of the transitive. Do you charge for that too ?

But how will I get my daily ego-buttering without reading notes from my drooling minions declaring me to be the most brilliant sucker on OD, and my baby to be the cutest mini-sucker ever? My self-esteem will take a major blow without a horde of fellow suckers to compliment me at every turn. *smirks*

April 28, 2005

I’m on Fav’s only so I’m not too worried about it. Besides, my diary is boring anyway. I find it amusing that people are so intersted. I live in a cold state, work at the library and live with my boyfriend. I ain’t no superstar or anything.

April 28, 2005

yep see this is one reason why i actually left…but i come by just to read what youve written. dammit.

April 28, 2005

You’re a sucker. Ha!

you forgot the best part… NO BRUCE DELETING YOUR SHIT!!!

April 30, 2005

Damn and I was hoping to be entertained with your new entry.

The check’s in the mail. I cant wait to receive my Closed Diary 😀

Happy cinco de mayo! Heh. 😉

that was great… now explain it to me again…

May 28, 2005

this place is full of freaks, retards and faggots. omg ooh share me, i hate my boyfriend, my dad raped me, my 13 year old sister got an abortion, blah blah.