I took a dump in Lake Recollection.

That last
entry is a piece of shit. I wrote it at 5am. I’m sure you could all tell
after noticing the abundance of typos and poor structure. However, I don’t feel
like deleting it or even editing it. Deal with it.

I just realized that
my Babes entry disappeared during the hacks. I am wondering whether or not I
should repost it. And if I do, whether or not I should make editions. I got a
lot of new pictures and great requests from people AFTER the last one, but I
guess it depends on how lazy I am not in the future.

I am going to a
FOUR MORE YEARS party on Tuesday. If you think that makes me an asshole, realize
that if Kerry had won, I would have gone to a different party. The way I see it,
it’s free food either way. =P But here is the major dilemma. I met this really
cute San Diego chick who I am going to invite to the party with me. It’s a shure
thing, but I also have the hots for the Chair of our Young Republicans club at
our university. So who to choose?

Oh and on one more political note, I
wrote an entry a while back that was deleted during the hacks about an asshole
named Steve
Poizner who was running for State Assembly. In a nutshell, this asshole said
he was a “maverick republican” which means he is trying to court the democratic
vote too, as if they didn’t have their own scumbag running for the same position. He
claimed that he, as a rich billionaire, would never take money from Political
Action Committees, Companies, Unions, or special interest groups, like all
politicians do before feeding at the trough of political bribes – oops, I mean
“campaign contributions.”

The really shitty part is this: despite
spending 6 million of his own dollars to finance his campaign, which included
televised advertisements to San Jose, San Francisco, and hell, probably even
Baghdad (in other words, places where the audience wouldn’t even be able to vote
for him, since they were out of his district), numerous endorsements from the
previous occupant of his position, the Govenator of California, and a wide
assortment of “impartial” newspapers, he still managed to lose big time. How
does it feel, Mr. Maverick Republican, to know that all your millions of dollars
can’t buy you one ounce of respect, or a brain for that matter?

I will probably not going to write about politics anymore for a long while –
mostly cos people are already gunna be pissed off enough without my help.
Besides, I still have a lot of schooling to do, as well as Bush haters to piss
off in retaliation for their acting like arrogant assholes over the past year.

EDIT: I noticed that the DM has finally done something right. I noticed now when I write entries that there is an option to block entries from being selected for Reader’s Choice. And since the idiots who keep nominating me don’t seem to stop, now the power is in my hands, bitch.

-His Divine Shadow

“Now THAT’S the perfect BITCH.” 😉
the Pimp

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November 6, 2004

I have been re-reading some of your diary entries and decided to put you in my favourites.just thought I should let you know.

November 6, 2004

i wanna be on your babes entry. pretty please? i’ll even take a sleazy pic of me!

Have you not noticed the ‘block this from reader’s choice’ button before, Chris?:)

RYN: What do you mean you don’t write for me? When did you stop writing for me? *beats you with a high heel*

I imagine it’s always been tough, you being such a popular guy and all. =P People seem to love you or hate you, and you seem to enjoy it either way. =D

November 7, 2004

Ha. That’s funny. I was gonna note your previous entry in this way: “zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”. but i figured it’d be a waste of space. not like THIS note, oh no, THIS note is muy importante. Dude, take the San Diego girl. Dangle her in front of Young Republican. Maybe YR’ll be jealous. Maybe she won’t, (in which case, you still got SD chick).. or maybe: Threesome.

November 7, 2004

ryn: ok, my bad about the dinosaurs thing. i misunderstood. i didn’t mean the entire movie was a copycat of 28 days later, i meant the zombies being fast was like 28 days later. in the original they were slow, which they should have stayed that way. as for resident evil, i didn’t forget about that. i didn’t like that movie. the game is much better.

RYN — LMAO!!!!! Yeahhhhhhh, I guess not everyone can have everything, too…. Too bad. *giggle*

November 7, 2004

if you redo your Babes entry, would i still be considered a babe? I say go for the Chair of the Young Republicans.

Ignore the President of the YR. Go for the often overlooked publicity officer. Do you know how much I–I mean, she–has to do?!?!?! And with the president just DUMPING crap on us…*sob* Anyway. I demand to be a babe again and will take another picture for the occasion. I also want to get to pick my card. And you better let me, because I rock.

November 7, 2004

You’re right – it was crap. Nah, not really. I say go with the SD chic, just in case the YR doesn’t work out. Always have a back-up! Oooh, oooh….I’m totally babe material!

November 7, 2004

You’re my little bitch.

November 8, 2004

I’ve never nominated you…never thought about it. Don’t care I guess. Good thing, you don’t seem to either! 🙂 RYN: I’ll let you know if I take that Housemaid job. 😛

November 8, 2004

hey i wanna be on your “babes” entry, i have this great photo with a cheesy grin

uh, o observant one, that reader’s choice block thingy’s been there since the dawn of diary-time. er .. at least for QUITE SOME TIME NOW

November 9, 2004

If Kerry won, I would have gone to one of those parties where everyone eats a cup of applesauce and takes a nap.

“the rats and children will follow me out of their house. the rats and children will follow me out of their homes. c’mon kids.” kid a radiohead

check out bruce’s intimiate open diary entry i wrote… you will dig this.. feel free to BORROW it and give me credit so some of these open diary hotties will come to me and give me some play…

November 14, 2004

You don’t need to do a “Babes” entry, silly… I am THE babe… so just a BABE entry will do 🙂 😉

Upset? I suppose that would hurt if I didn’t know better, or if I didn’t know that you knew better.

November 18, 2004

*orally negotiates you via digital feed* Sorry. The only computer that works on the ‘net at my house doesn’t have any messengers. I tried to use AIM express, but that didn’t work so good.

Recent pictures of me… Go here: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D378235&entry=20026&mode=date Number two and three. *kiss*

November 21, 2004

OOh ! Do I get to be a babe of opendiary again?? I hope so.

November 23, 2004

Just discovered your diary (though I believe I’ve been here before) and read through a little of it. Entertaining and coherent, such a change from a lot of the garbled nonsense on here, if a little angry. Ah well, I staved off boredom for a short time, anyway.

November 23, 2004

RYN: I’ve known John for almost two years. We just didn’t date or really hang out all that often until a couple months ago. So yes, John and I have talked about marriage. It’s great. It’s just right. I don’t know how else to explain it. But we are only talking about it. If I were to get married, it wouldn’t be for another two years, at least!

November 23, 2004

*weeps* I’m off-line for a few weeks and now you’ve got chicks coming out of your arse … or … umm … *grins* So do ya miss me? My computer is the anti-christ and is no way in hell coming to live in the tree-house when that plan is put into action. Shall find you soon *nods* Love

November 24, 2004

I am somebody!!!!! Who y

November 24, 2004

What the hell was that last note? My compy keeps deciding that my note needs to be saved without my permission at the worst times. And now, the joke is lost.



November 27, 2004

WYD = World youth Day

jesus is coming!

November 28, 2004

C’Mon, Meghie! You were in the entry and you didn’t ask me a question!!! It was the point of the entry!!!!

an affair with Le Claire…how rhymey.. and how d’ya know she even wants you? huh?

December 1, 2004

I’ll write another stoner entry just for you! But I have to wait until I’m home. Can’t be smoking at the library now!!! 😛

December 2, 2004

RYN: :-O You pig! LOL