I am disappoint.
A few months back, I decided to start writing entries again. One can imagine my surprise when I came to a site that was almost entirely unusable. Suffice to say, my writing career on here is going to take a vacation until what passes for management actually starts treating this site like a professional business, which is probably never going to happen.
Since it looks like OD has gone off the rails, I’ve decided to move to a different platform. For anyone who wants to keep in touch, please PM me any form of contact information (e-mail, facebook, AIM, prosebox, etc) and I’ll be sure to let you know where I end up.
Your most humble and obedient master,
– His Disappointed Shadow
Dunno how long you’ve been here but the Diary Master hasn’t been actively involved in the site for years. It’s currently being managed by a volunteer who is also a member. Unfortunately, this downtime stuff is nothing new. Hopefully whatever new platform you use will be better maintained.
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Well you know my Prosebox name. I’d offer up other contact information but you and your whole “private notes are for pussies” thing, jesus. 🙂
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are you on prosebox? I’m on prosebox. Would love to read your new stuff.
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Give us your prosebox name, you bastard. Mine’s the same.
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Yeah I’d Send you my E-mail as well but you have no Private message option soooooo…..
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