How to win the Israeli-Lebanon conflict.

Almost two months ago, two Israeli solders were busy pursuing the most noble goal any mortal man could do, protecting Israel from its enemies, when out of nowhere (and by nowhere, I mean Lebanon), evil Hezbollah guerillas invaded Israeli territory and kidnapped two soldiers. Israel eventually tried beating the hell out of them to get them back. Too bad it didn’t work.

Now Israel is calling for their unconditional release, but Hezbollah insists on a prisoner swap. This sounds like a bad idea. Swap a couple of soldiers captured during peacetime with imprisoned terrorists who are probably in Israeli jails for trying to kill Jews? It sound like a bad idea at first, but so far, Israel has nothing else to bargain with, and they are being total fools by insisting that this will never happen.

My answer to that question is, why not? The answer is simple.

1). Agree to a prisoner swap.
2). Arrange a time and a place.
3). Infect the Hezbollah prisoners with a virulent and deadly disease.
4). Release them to Hezbollah in return for the soldiers.
5). Do a victory dance.

I think this plan is flawless. The only problem might be that they Lebansese terrorists might get a little suspicious when they see the prisoners being escorted to the meeting place by men in hazmat suits. Plan B could always be to surgically implant bombs in the prisoners before releasing them and press the button once the Israelis are far enough away to laugh at the tremendous irony of two terrorists blowing up to kill their own people. 😀


 BOOM, baby!.      

It’s a shame the world doesn’t have a Superhero Award – I’d win one every day.

– His Divine Shadow

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September 6, 2006

Good god, I’m leaving the first note on an HDS entry. WTF? I don’t even really have anything to say….

September 7, 2006

*does the “I don’t have tuberculosis” dance…and adds a little striptease for the heck of it* I want to be a superhero…or maybe i’ll just wear my underwear over my pants

September 7, 2006

I frightened my friends the other day by saying I LIKE Hezbollah. They stared, then I remembered. No wait, I like SAYING Hezbollah. So very fun to say.

Why, HDS, you should be in politics!

you should go to Atheist Under Your Bed’s diary and have fun, she think the hezbollah are the relative saints of the conflict

haha. Brillant, truly. *smirks* R.

I’m sorry, all I hear is “Blah blah blah, I’m a dirty tramp!” 😀

September 11, 2006

Biological Warefare: I dig it

September 15, 2006

i am sending you a mental superhero award. you should see it. it’s fucking mental.

September 25, 2006

Man you are sexy.

I just sent you an email about a news story that I think you’ll enjoy, you twisted fuck.

November 2, 2006

ryn: that’s too black and white an answer, it goes deeper than that and galloway got it 100% right. but please let’s not argue. i’m pregnant, cranky and don’t feel up to it.

November 7, 2006

Rather than the Superhero Award, you would receive the Turned Away From God Award.

Someone from your city just hit on me on Yahoo! Answers when I answered a question about ass sex. Was it you? I’d bet dollars to donuts it was you, or perhaps your clone.

November 10, 2006

RYN Are you saying that you DO know something about religion?

November 11, 2006

Honey, I love ya, but if you keep leaving me completely random notes that indicate you haven’t been reading, I’m gonna take you off Faves.

November 14, 2006

Dude instead of infecting them, lets just introduce trailer parks and WIC into their society.

Oh, lord. A Middle Eastern trailer park. Wow.

November 17, 2006

HDS, asking me how I’m doing when I write every single day isn’t exactly letting me know you’ve been reading. I’m not going to take you off, but that got to me for some reason.

Would you have sex with a zombie chick?

December 28, 2006

Where ARE you, you twisted, miserable Jew? I have a chahahfshdhdsnukkah present for you.

January 3, 2007

the infected prisoner swap idea should be submitted to Bush immeadiatly. LOL

January 10, 2007

HDS, where the HELL are you? love-

January 12, 2007

I was just thinking about you yesterday.

January 15, 2007

Well then you should present yourself more often, you are very interesting company to keep. What trouble have you been causing while you are away? 😉

January 16, 2007

Not to mention I think we where dating or something for a while there and you just up and left…ROFL. Hope you are well and bringing some sort of pain to someone, somewhere.

April 26, 2007

I miss you HDS! xxx

June 26, 2007

Uh! I don’t “sukc!”, YOU “SUKC”. Glad to see you’re still “alive”. Put your @ss in gear and come around more often, to make us all frown (like you do, oh so well). 😉 Where the heck have you been?! How can I harass you, if you are off doing; who know’s what!? Heh.

Damnit, HDS, don’t tease us with an entry and take it away. Don’t be cruel, baby, don’t be cruel.

July 3, 2007
