His Divine Vote. *UPDATED*

Throughout most of the time, I was undecided, mostly cos both candidates suck. Both are total pussies when it comes to the war on terror. Both have economic policies that are more full of shit than a porta-potty at a chili cookoff. Both had to resort to lame scare tactics, bullshit smear campaigns, and war record nonsense instead of tackling issues that really matter to normal people. Both candidates were more concerned about doing/saying/eating anything to get votes, especially the ever elusive “Black Vote” and “Latino Vote” because everyone knows that people who have the same skin color all vote the same way. And neither candidate had any kind of strategy whatsoever, which leads me to believe that anyone voting for either of these bastards was pretty much getting a guy who is going to make it up as he goes along.

But the think that made me vote for Bush was not to make Bush or his supporters happy, but to spite every single asshole activist who thinks that he is the shit just cos he was not supporting Bush. Ironically, if Kerry supporters hadn’t been such total dicks (and yes, that includes people on this site), I might have actually voted their way. Instead, every intolerant asshole who preaches open-mindedness but vandalized “Bush Cheney” signs weeks before the election, harassed conservative voters through intimidation, and plauged the blogging world with bile and venom about how wrong people who think differently from them are, was on my “spiting list” when I went to the polls. My vote wasn’t a “go Bush” vote, it was a “fuck you very much” to Michael Moore, Martin Sheen, Al Qaida, CAIR, Planned Parenthood, NOW, MoveOn, Green Peace, and every other asshole who thinks that anyone who doesn’t think like them is a total idiot. I sure as hell didn’t see that same kinda attitude from Bush supporters. They pretty much did what they were supposed to do – do their homework, vote their way, and shut the hell up. But I will have to admit that my favourite part is that so many passionate emotional liberals who supported Kerry wasted so much time, energy, resources, money, and people – a lot more so than conservatives campaigning for Bush did – just to LOSE BIG TIME. In other words, money down the toilet. I know that is a really shitty reason to vote for ANYONE, but if you can come up with a better reason, and without using the words “Iraq”, “terrorism”, “jobs”, or “economy,” let me know. 

I think that more than anything is what gave me the greatest satisfaction, and I look forward to reminiscing about that when I go to the party next Tuesday.

So in conclusion, if you are a Kerry supporter, I didn’t vote Bush cos I am conservative. I didn’t vote for Bush because I don’t like Kerry. I didn’t vote for Bush because I don’t like liberalism and I shure as hell didn’t vote for Bush because I like Bush. I voted Bush because I hate you. I’ll bet humble pie has never tasted so good for you bastards.

Love, His Divine Shadow

P.S. I am not surprised that so many people are whining about my last entry. Thank you for proving me right when I say that many Kerry supporters are just as arrogant, preachy, and bigoted as they claim conservative Bush supporters to be. But if bitching about something you put your whole heart into and failed at miserably makes you feel better, I won’t try to stop you. In fact, consider this a free space to vent about how your life means nothing since all the activism was a total waste while the rest of us normal people actually went on with our lives up until Election Day. Also feel free to lament about how you are going to move to Canada too, even though we both know you never will.


I thought that by now, people would get it, but they don’t. Normally, I am loathe to post articles from newspapers into my diary, mostly cos it is something that assholes often do. But since this article is only available on PDF and that file is larger than my dick after an episode of Rectal Rooter, I decided to post this so people can understand what I am talking about when I say that Bush haters are intolerant bastards who deserve to be spited.

No tolerance [10/31/04]
Dear Editor: The other day my young son asked, “Mom, why did someone write the ‘F word’ with a key on Dad’s car?” My daughter added, “That just doesn’t seem right.”
My husband, Keen Butcher, is the Santa Clara County Bush-Cheney Campaign chairman. For months he has been in the trenches, registering voters and organizing volunteers.
Since a newspaper article appeared a few weeks ago mentioning his involvement in the campaign, we have faced daily vandalism.
After looking at my Bush bumper sticker, a man came up to my daughter and I, and said “s—!” There are also anti-Bush jokes and name-calling going around the elementary and middle school playgrounds. Is political intolerance the legacy we want to leave our children?
Since we put our signs up, I have had numerous Republicans come up saying they are glad to see the signs but won’t put up their own due to vandalism.
I tell our children that even though people are doing this to us, we do not reciprocate. We believe in the First Amendment and have the courage to stand up for our beliefs.
Both parties have their pros and cons. Let’s teach our children how to enter into dialogue and find bipartisan solutions. We can make this a better America, starting in our homes and in our community, by respecting the right of others to hold to differing views.
Genevieve Hutcheson Butcher,
Ashton Avenue,
Palo Alto

Political vandalism [11/03/04]
Dear Editor: In reply to Genevive Butcher’s letter in the Sunday Daily News regarding vandalism of her Bush-Cheney yard signs, I believe she is missing the big picture.
This is not an action against a political party or even intolerance for a differing point of view. People hate Bush for a legitimate reason
: as the President of the United States, he lied about the threat Iraq posed to us and actually sent his own soldiers into war there to die without just cause. This is absolutely unforgivable and unacceptable. Issues like stem cell research or abortion pale in view of the thousands who have died in Iraq because of the lies he and his administration told the Congress and the American people.
Not only have many people died needless deaths, but now hatred and Muslim extremism are at record highs in the Middle East, in retaliation against Bush. He is not sorry he lied, he doesn’t read the news about” the havoc he has wrought, nor does he believe he has made a single mistake.
This is why Mrs. Butcher’s yard signs were vandalized. It is fine to have the courage of your convictions and stand up for what you believe, butplease give a little thought to your beliefs and those you teach your children. Instead of supporting Bush, work within the Republican Party to find a better, more honest candidate.
Deborah Johnston,
Tasso Street,
Palo Alto

Both articles appeared in the Palo Alto Daily News and emphasis was mother-fucking added.

In other words, men who rape women wearing skimpy outfits are doing so for a legitimate reason, because they are horny. If a chick doesn’t want to get raped, she should put more thought into what she is wearing. Nice job trying to justify your own bigotry, you intolerant bitch. I guess along with misunderstanding the First Amendment, you must have also forgotten that fucking with other people’s private property is illegal. If only this was an isolated incident and not also happening at my school too, where students have also had their property torn, vandalized, and even burned, along with harassment from so called “tolerant” liberal Kerry supporters. I hope now you people understand why I voted the way I did – to send a message to people like this.

-His Divine Shadow

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November 4, 2004

RYN: Well, then, perhaps it’s time you learned. You can’t expect other people to kiss your ass if you’re not willing to pucker up a little. It’s called forgiveness and compassion.

November 4, 2004

Oh geez, you know what, I just noted your age. Not to sound like an old geezer or anything, but your anger totally makes sense now. Relax. You’ve got a long life ahead of you (unless you get drafted) so save some of that vitriol for things that really matter. Take care.

November 4, 2004

Yes, yes, that’s a great reason to vote for Bush…nevermind the actual issues and facts. (note the sarcasm)

OUt of curiousity though, why didn’t you vote for a third party candidate? I know why you didn’t vote for Kerry, and that’s cool, but why did you vote for Bush if you didn’t like him either? I mean, I can SO see you as a Nader kind of guy.*cough, grin*

November 4, 2004

I have nothing against people who think differently from me See, now, I disagree with you there. Very much. What have you done for your comminity lately?

November 4, 2004

RYN: The last few notes you left for me are so full of contradictions that I wouldn’t even know where to start. Feel justified in your anger and stubbornness if it helps you sleep better at night. The rest of us will start within our communities to try and help those in need, regardless of beliefs.

November 4, 2004

RYN: Should I even say that you remind me of myself when I was your age? You really do. Which gives me hope that you’ll see things differently when you have a family of your own. Volunteer.

November 4, 2004

Your being here and writing what you do works wonders for my crappy moods…

November 4, 2004

Did I say more like me? No. You read into it? Yes. Not my fault, there. Differently as in caring about people other than yourself. And please, you’re only 22. I’m only 30 for cripes’ sake, I don’t think I know much at all. As for not having a family…it’s just a hunch. So what HAVE you done for other people lately?

November 4, 2004

Why let it get in your way? I have a full time job and a toddler and I’m going to do something. Every little bit counts. Good for you for doing something in the past, keep it going.

November 4, 2004

I voted for Kerry 🙂 YOu still love me, right? I still love you even though you voted for Bush 🙂

November 4, 2004

“Paid” is a word with many definitions… …though it is nice to be able to have electricity and food. Good on you, then. See? I’m not all evil and stuff. I just play one on teevee.

I hate everything. *nods*

November 4, 2004

MIL = Mother In Law I have two chapters in my diary, I just started them. Check out Year of Service for details.

November 4, 2004

RYN:I never said I’d give any reason to vote for one candidate or the other,I only asked that you learn their positions on the issues and make your decision based on how you feel about each of the cadidates’ platforms.That is the duty of every voter,to make an informed decision.I didn’t choose my candidate based on the ads or mudslinging,I researched and made the choice that best suited my views.

November 4, 2004

RYN: Yes, but it sure didn’t sound like that’s what you did from what you wrote…but if you did, good for you.

November 4, 2004

one more notch of respect I lose for you =o( I voted Kerry and really do hope someone kills Bush, you know my views =oP….phuck them all, but in this case did my part to help Bush not get into office to ruin the country even more. But as usual with Bush doing his cheating and pulling of ropes he came through again as the winner. Anarchy…the only way….btw d00d where ya been? You haven’t been online for weeks. O.O

November 4, 2004

It’s entries like this that affirm the fact that your diary is awesome. “I voted for Bush because I hate YOU”. If I didn’t hate bumper stickers so much, I’d say that’d be a good one.

November 4, 2004

Don’t get a big ego but your notes rock. It’s almost like being home, almost.

November 4, 2004

Opinions Opinions…everyone has em. Take care

November 4, 2004

D00d Jane, you left waaay too many notes. You think he’s gonna read that shit?

November 4, 2004

A description of the Democratic Party as the party of vandals would be accurate. They could also be seen as the party of arrogant elitists. Both parties ignored the elephant in the middle of the room…appointments to the Supreme Court. You might check my entry titled ‘Halloween Trick.’

November 4, 2004

hey, I’m liberal, but I was really pissed off when those pussy ass people vandalized signs and such. But sometimes it sucks because people would totally criticize me for being a democrat. But yeah, I hated both candidates to be honest, but I chose Kerry because I hated bush more. But not all liberals bash republicans and stuff, i just believe different things you know?

November 4, 2004

Uhh, dear…the harassment went both ways. i can’t tell you how many times i had Bush supporters harassing me. mona

November 4, 2004

I had a lot of Bush peole harassing me too….but whatever, what’s done is done,a nd bitching about it won’t change the fact that whomever the President is now is who’ll we have for the next four years…. RyN: That’s a pretty harsh stereotypical generalization of Ohioans, don’t ya think? We’re not all idiots, really. 🙂

November 4, 2004

Oh, and you only noted me ’cause I noted Casey about her chlamydia? Booo…I feel special. 🙁 I think you noted me a ways back on my old diary once or twice…but this on’es better, cause I have PICTURES! Woo-hoo! =) Nice entry, overall…don’tcha just love the hate notes? Whu do people care so much about the opinions of people they will never meet?

OMFG, I hate u soooo much! U r the reson dat Bush iz in da white hose nd now we r goin to die from alquada and my teacher sayz dat Bush iz evil so u r 2!!!

November 4, 2004

If i was american and had to vote…i would have voted Kerry even though hes a fuking knob and is liable to fuk things up even worse just because bush’s actions boarder on crimes against humanity in my opinion…

it’s kind of frustrating when i go to your diary and my name is logged out by the time i am here. i can barely leave notes to my buddies… that OPEN DIARY MASTER is really screwing up… something tells me he was a failure in his previous job as well as he is now with this stupid little bozo diary thingy.

November 4, 2004

Damn, that’s fucked up. Not that I agree with you…I still don’t think you should judge all Kerry supporters by assholes like this…but that was definitely fucked up and people like that should be shot.

November 4, 2004

At work in the make up aisle, some bitch opened a tube of lip gloss and wrote “Make Up Is Murder” all over the effing displays. Making make up isn’t illegal, but vandelism is.

November 5, 2004

My butt itches…

November 5, 2004

… I voted Kerry… don’t like him very much, think he would have been a better president… and I didn’t vandalize Bush signs. I figure it would be a waste of time and energy. 🙂 Either way… would be disappointed, cuz Kerry was a dumbass to

I agree with you. I’m not a Bush supporter, but everyone has the right to their own vote. The city I live in saw a lot of political vandalism from both parties, and it sickens me that people do things like that. Just because I don’t agree with the way somebody casted their vote doesn’t give me any right to trash them, label them, or vandalize their property. People need to get lives.

November 5, 2004

RYN//the Bush supporters in my area were blatantly crude and immature about how they went about things. i had my “Kerry” yard sign torn down, and i saw many in town the same way when none of us touched their signs. i did canvassing for the Democratic party, and we only stayed to registered democrats, whereas i was harassed everyday by bush supporters and the offensive(cont’d)

November 5, 2004

(cont’d)pamphlets that violate every single one of my beliefs. Countless numbers of minorities have and will lose their civil rights because of this man. mona

November 5, 2004

LOL. I voted for Kerry even though I actually don’t like him either. I just hated him less than Bush. I know you love me though, so I don’t care what you say! : P

November 5, 2004

Lovely. 🙂

Sorry, am I supposed to care what some moron sat four thousand miles away from me, behind his computer, thinks of my political views? For the record, I live in England and thus had no say whatsoever in the election, but I’m not so stupid as that I don’t realise how bad for the entire planet Bush has been and will continue to be, hence my disappointment at the election results.

hey, I didn’t vote…voting’s for pussies

November 9, 2004

RYN//what about the people who’ve been sitting in Guantanamo Bay for 2 years without formal charge? And what about the gays??? His crusade is in the beginning stages of not permitting me to marry a woman if i so choose to, and there’s a good chance i would have. Because i would want to marry a woman, i am a minority and i have no rights. mona

I looked over the notes left in these two entries. Its weird how the people who are usually all about ‘rights and choice’ are the same people who call you names and turn there noses up at you when you don’t vote the way they did. “Get Out And Vote!!!”….just as long as you vote for Kerry!