
Hello. My name is Bryce and I am a good friend of chris, the author of this blog. It is with great sadness that I let you all know that chris was killed in a car accident last thursday while on his way back from work. His manager witnessed the crash and told his family about what happend, who then informed me.


According to his last directive, he wanted all the people who he knew and cared about to know what had happened to him in the event that something like this occured, and this site was on his list, along with the password for access. He never told me he had a blog on the internet, but to those people who enjoyed his blog, all I can offer are my condolences. I wish I could say that he left a final message for you all personally. Anyway, that is all I have to say. He is one of the greatest friends I have ever met, and I hope all of those of you who knew him well know that he cared for each and every one of you. I’m just sorry it had to end like this.


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OMG I can’t believe it. Somebody at my school just died, too…….I can’t believe 2 people in one week…….damn………wow I’m very sorry for your loss and for his family 🙁 🙁 🙁 I know I didn’t note him a lot, but I read his diary all the time and he will be missed very much.

Thats not funny.

April 1, 2006


APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 1, 2006

^^What she said This is definetly not something to joke about though! Mel

April 1, 2006

Wtf?!?! No…this has to be a joke right? 🙁

April 1, 2006

Hahaha you’re a bastard.

Oh fvcking hell. I nearly passed out reading this. Then I remembered today’s date.

April 1, 2006

April Fool’s Mutha Fvcker!

April 1, 2006

It better be a joke – It has to be a joke. How did you forge that article though…Hmmmm…again, this better be a joke.

April 1, 2006

Yeah, I know it’s April 1st. Very funny.

April 1, 2006

😉 Donna x♥x –

April 1, 2006

Not really funny, but har dee har har.

April 1, 2006

Chris you suck, you noted me yesterday you freakin loser! Bad joke!

April 1, 2006

I love a good April Fool’s day joke as much as the next person, but if that’s what this is… it’s in poor taste. I just found you randomly because Battlestar Galactica rules.

April 1, 2006

Geez, your not the only one on OD to fake their death. One of my other fav’s did the same thing! LOL

April 1, 2006

I’ll give you credit though, the news article fakery was quite clever. http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/14230831.htm

Hahah, you’re dead!:-P

April 1, 2006

I think you mistyped the URL man… http://h1.ripway.com/HisDivineShadow/OD/14221268.htm you mean?

April 1, 2006

You’re such an ass! Not funny 🙂

April 1, 2006

I love the fact that the guy who wrote the article was Richard Bauls. Nice touch. Good job!

And plus, you would never befriend someone with a name like ‘Bryce.’ If you ever met a Bryce, you’d kick his ass, just on principle. I don’t know why all these people are all “not funny! wah!” They should know your sense of humor; nothing is sacred. Pfft.

April 1, 2006

It was a pretty good joke 🙂 Mel

April 1, 2006

Great Birthday present, that one.

April 1, 2006

You know on second thought you could have made something less dramatic and maybe it would have worked better! Har har har!

April 1, 2006

Lol, well how does it feel to be dead?

April 1, 2006

This is NOT funny!

April 1, 2006

very interesting lol

April 1, 2006

April Fools!!! That was a good one… congratulations.

April 2, 2006

that was pretty good. highly commendable.

April 2, 2006

chris would never drive a ford explorer either.

April 2, 2006

April Fools. murr.

Okay, that was really f*cked up and not funny. You’re a real f*cking pr*ck for pulling that shit. Someone at my school DIED this week and another girl went missing. Assholes like you who joke about that kind of shit deserve to die, as far as I’m concerned. Consider yourself with one less reader. Not like you care. I just hope others follow suit.

April 2, 2006

^^ It was just a joke..take it easy

Yeah Really. I am sure he wasnt trying to personally offend YOU, so how bout we knock the shit off, ok?

April 3, 2006

I thought some people’s notes were more astounding than the actual entry…

In response to people’s comments: Maybe if your entire campus was in a huge uproar because a student went missing and is presumed dead due to his blood being found splattered in and around a dumpster, you wouldn’t think that somebody faking their death was so funny.

Not to mention, judging by other people’s notes, I’m not the only one who initially took this entry seriously. I guess I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt – I don’t think most people are screwed up enough to fake their own deaths. Anyone who thinks I’m an asshole for that can kiss my ass.

April 3, 2006

Your such a shit head! LOL


Also: “all the people he cared about.” Everyone knows robots can’t care for people! I DEMAND A DO OVER, CRISTOFORO.

April 3, 2006

And here I thought the joke was that you had a friend. JUST KIDDING!!! 😉

April 7, 2006

I expected more from you Jew Boy. I mean for godsake, you’re much more creative than this.