Happy Birthday to me?

I’m sure all of you noticed that I turned 24 in OpenDiary land. Join me in wishing me a happy fake birthday to celebrate the day I selected on my profile in order to fuck up demographics research and identity theft worldwide. Most importantly, take this time to reflect on everything I’ve ever told you about my personal life with skepticism – you don’t know if I wasn’t just talking bullshit the whole time.

Peace out,


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Happy fake bday?

May 30, 2006

Um okay!

See, how I do it is this–I just pretend all you’ve ever told me is just a bad, bad dream.;)

May 30, 2006

Merry UNbirthday then I guess.

Happy Fake Birthday. w00t.

May 30, 2006

I’m going to send you some fake cake. ENJOY!

May 30, 2006

i’ll be sure to stop by bestbuy and send you a fake gift certificate.

May 30, 2006

I guess your dick is fake too?

May 30, 2006

Happy nonBirthday, are we still together? Lol.

May 31, 2006

I know your real name, always remember that! *evil cackle*

May 31, 2006

Oh no, No! I would never do that to you, didn’t you catch on? I was talking about you, my dear. You have ALL of my attention. LOL. So, does this mean I’m part of the cluster too??

June 1, 2006

i didn’t notice, and i don’t care. that is all.

RYN: That’s a very apt movie title for you, actually. Or at least, I know that when I think of perversity and woe, I think of you, Jewboy.

RYN: Yeah, well, next time I’ll be sure to dress up in a fat suit and a grandma wig. I know that shit turns you on.;)

RYN: Naw I saw a moving van today and a few vehicals louded with guitar amps and such, I’m pretty sure they were evicted.

RYN: Hahahah, Jesus! I didn’t even notice that. You win best note on that entry. Heheh.


June 12, 2006

RYN: It’s just falling off so far, not like I can do much to aid it along at this point

June 12, 2006

my friend kaitlyn..she was like why dont you have justin’s name in your msn name and i was like he doesnt have mine. and she was like so… and all of a sudden me and him dont have a good relationship and she used to be pissed cause we had the pefect relationship that everyone wants..and she blocked me on msn now cause of it. HAPPY B-day

June 13, 2006

Darn and I was going to send you nudey photos for your birthday!

June 23, 2006

it was my real birthday yesterday… Happy something birthday 😛

RYN: Well, I can’t stand up, so its still a virgin silly. But when I can walk again I will molest it! You know you love me!


July 6, 2006

Since my best friend is dead and I will be burying him this weekend, I really don’t give a fuck what you think right now.

July 9, 2006

Happy Un-Birthday to you!

July 18, 2006

Hey I dont know if you ever read these Im formally The Nephilim but if you ever wanna talk you can IM me on AIM: Slaphappi Cretin

Dude? Duuuude. DUDE! *yells* Where are you?

RYN: Better be careful what you say, Rebel.:-P Mel is coming for you to get revenge for Jesus.

August 5, 2006

If my statement is well-established, then why are there so many people who continue to insist on the superiority of one system or the other? Quite a few people on here seem to be of the opinion that the free market is perfect and nothing greater could ever be devised, and that any sort of regulations are evil and must be abolished.

August 5, 2006

What information did I get wrong on my Israel entry? It was based on research I actually did for a school paper a couple years back; I’m too lazy to find my original sources. But I tried very hard to go with sources that seemed relatively unbiased.


August 15, 2006

You’re like the queen.

RYN: I know! What the hell was that about?That was a ghetto-ass text message. I’m tempted to tell him that I had to have an abortion, and he needs to pay for half of it. . .and then? SHOPPING SPREE! . . .But I’m not going to do that. You know. Probably.

August 18, 2006

i don’t really like to talk about what he did because there’s no words to describe the pain i felt. it was the most painful thing i’ve ever been through and nobody could really understand it unless it happened to them.

RYN: Lawd, ain’t that the truth!

August 24, 2006

…okay happy fake bday. lol and yes..i know im not too young because first time i fell in love, i was 13. thanks for the note though.