Five Facts about His Divine Shadow

I’ve noticed that a lot of people have been g00glizing my name. Now, I should mention that after doing it myself, I realized that it tells WAY too much about my personal life. There is no way some shitty website is going to give everyone the 411 on His Divine Shadow. If anyone learns about the real me, it will be on my terms. So here it goes.


1).I rule – 20,000 planets to be precise…

2). I got a full time job. I won’t mention the company name or what the starting salary is because I am sure that many of you would literally cry if you knew how much I was making right out of school.

3). I am an insect spirit dwelling in a human body.

4). I once blew up an entire planet using a giant ship shaped like a dragonfly because someone there pissed me off. Not that I needed a reason.

5). His Divine Anthology is done. I plan on releasing it in two years.

6). The only time I ever lost a fight, it was to a dead guy.

7). I am not really a sex freak. In fact, anything I’ve ever said about my sex life or sexual preferences is probably wrong. Or any part of my life for that matter.

8). I once forced a woman to kill a man and then herself afterwards. Before they died, I made both of them say "I Worship His Shadow."

9). I only read two diaries on this site on a regular basis. Everyone else does get lucky every now and then.

0). I can bash boards of wood apart with my bare hands, and have. So [Pilgrim]’s note asserting that "[my] arm would bend like a fucking straw if it came into contact with anything harder than [my] dick" is clever, but very inaccurate.

Now, it’s obvious that even though I said five "facts", I’ve mentioned ten items. For those of you who can’t count, this means that five of these items are NOT facts. If you can’t tell the fact from the fiction, too bad for you. I am not about to answer any questions from people who just don’t get it; either make your guesses or suck my dick. This ain’t no two-way street.

-His Divine Shadow

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December 2, 2005

Hahaha! I’m scared to Google my name. Well, I HAVE done it a few times, but it turns out there are THOUSANDS of women with my same name, and they’re all either lawyers or play hockey.

December 2, 2005

Okay, I just went and Googled my MARRIED name, and it came up with NOTHING. How disappointing.

Number 8 makes you so awesome. RYN: I KNOW you’ve been trying to get it deleted, which is why that last note of mine was a little sad. I think the DM’s doing it just to spite you.:-P

And oh my goodness, your googlisms are so depressing. And who’s this Dewshine bitch, man? You two-timin’ on OD?

December 3, 2005


December 4, 2005

I Worship His Shadow

RYN: Hahaha, His Divine Schiavo!

December 5, 2005

Why thankyou for the good luck wishes. I will continue to tell the truth about my abilities or ‘bragging about myself’ as you put it, because I have plenty to brag about. And best of luck with the blatant bragging you do on your diary, which shows you to be not unlike myself and Lianne with knowing our self-worth. After all, I always say nobody will love you unless you love yourself first.

December 6, 2005

I wonder what type of insect spirit exactly

December 6, 2005

Well, Casey Leigh recommended that I come here. I am here. I will be back. You’re now on my list of favorites. I bet that just made your whole day huh? LMAO…

January 1, 2006

This makes me want to watch Lexx.