Even more Charlie Sheen FACTS!!!

51. Charlie Sheen thinks being alive is pretty darn cool.

52. If Charlie Sheen worked at Starbucks, he would serve customers cold coffee to the exclusion of all other beverages.

53. Charlie Sheen has more notches on his belt than Black Bart.

54. If you were to hang with Charlie Sheen, your bones would melt like wax.

55. Charlie Sheen embraces the bitchin’ rockstar life by wrapping his arms around it and loving it violently.

56. On his last routine check-up, it was noted that Charlie Sheen has a 10,000-year-old brain and the boogers of a seven-year-old.

57. Charlie Sheen has real fame.

58. The last time Charlie Sheen was invited to a party, he didn’t bring a bottle of wine, he brought firey death.

59. Charlie Sheen can breach your perimeter without even trying.

60. Charlie Sheen’s brain is not from this particular terrestrial realm.

61. Charlie Sheen’s favourite pasttime is sailing across the winds of the universe with his goddesses, even on the weekends.

62. Charlie Sheen dismisses clowns with reckless abandon.

63. Charlie Sheen is the new sheriff in town. And he has an army of assassins.

64. Charlie Sheen used his toaster this morning.

65. Charlie Sheen is an expert in fishing terminology.

66. Strapping on diapers before meeting Charlie Sheen on the battlefield is not recommended under any circumstances.

67. Charlie Sheen is rolling out the magic.

68. Charlie Sheen is sorry that his life is so much more bitchin’ than Middle America’s. But in his defense, he planned it that way and he didn’t make the rules.

69. Charlie Sheen doesn’t make room for sensitivity when waging a war.

70. Charlie Sheen is a peaceful man with bad intentions.

71. Charlie Sheen only warns potential challengers once before he brings it.

72. Charlie Sheen is grandiose, but only because he leads a grandiose life.

73. Charlie Sheen doesn’t sleep, he waits.

74. Charlie Sheen’s valet offers street parking passes daily for visitors to park their nonsense.

75. Charlie Sheen is special and will never be one of you.


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March 3, 2011

You know what really makes me mad is Charlie stole #73 from a Chuck Norris fact. It’s like, damn Carlos, if you’re going to be all crazy, be ORIGINAL.

March 3, 2011

Number 69 should be “Charlie Sheen makes the rules”

June 1, 2011

“Charlie Sheen is rolling out the magic” Indeed.

March 13, 2012

Charlie reminds me of that mexican beer guy… Dos Equis – most interesting man in the world. I’m betting they are cousins or at least alter egos.