
For those sour assholes who were cheering my demise, think again. I am NOT dead, at least, not anymore.

First off, the part about the crash is 100% true. I’m just glad that intersection was clean that night – I didn’t want to hurt anybody else, unintentionally. Everyone knows that the only kind of harm I find satisfying is the deliberate kind. Anyway, I was driving home from work as it started raining, and the car went nuts after I turned on an intersection. Like it was trying to avoid running over an animal under its own power. Then it ran right for the wall. Next thing I remember is a loud bang, spinning lights everywhere, a huge crashing noise, and then silence. I remember dying and it is every bit as horrible and traumatic as you can imagine.

I died that night, but I didn’t stay dead.

I thought about writing an entry about this, but a lot of you already know that the body I currently use isn’t really mine, and isn’t even real. My body was, in fact, a machine that allowed me to forego the inconveniences of most human physical urges, such as hunger, tiredness, and horniness, as well as inhibiting some of the more intense human emotional responses, like freaking out from losing control of my vehicle. An added bonus I am glad I paid for was networking. When I was killed, my consciousness was downloaded almost immediately into a new body. And before anyone asks, yes, this body is identical to the last one. It has to be, otherwise, I’d spend forever getting used to it, and adjusting to an identical copy is a pain in the ass as it is.

So the good news is that I am alive. The BAD news is that my life, as I knew it, is fucked permeaneantly. My entire family thinks I am dead, which sucks balls. My family is moving away, pretty far out of town, and I can never tell them what has happened. Most of my friends, as is evidenced by the previous entry, know of my demise, so I can’t even ask them for help rebuilding. Powers only know what they’ve done with all my stuff. Fortunately, all my important computer data was backed up on an outside server, and I do have a storage locker with some provisions that I prepared in case of an emergencies that no one knows about. I obviously can’t return to work, since one of my bosses saw the whole thing, so I am screwed for money. And for school, for that matter, since word would get out quickly and people would get totally creeped if a deader showed up to class one morning.

So I guess I am going to have to start over. Aside from the last entry posted, I have maintained a policy of keeping my personal life and my internet life strictly segregated, which is the only reason I write this now; I know no one I know in real life will ever find it. Anyway, now I have to look into getting another job, a new school, and, fuck it, a new name! I probably won’t be writing in here again until I get a new life together for myself. Wish me luck in that.

By the way, I hope everyone had a happy April Fool’s Day. I know I did. 😉

-His Dead Shadow

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April 3, 2006

I think that judging by some of those notes, you upset some people there, His Dead Shadow. lol

April 3, 2006

P.S. Soul Wanderer needs to get that giant stick out of their ass pronto. That thing has got to hurt.

April 3, 2006

So basically, you’re Doctor Who.

April 3, 2006

Wait, no, not if the body is identical. DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS

Ha ha ha! I love it when you piss people off! MUAH!!

And stillwaiting, that was great! I think I love you!!!

Maybe you can get a FEMA trailer!

April 3, 2006

Hey HDS – I got my answer from Soul Wanderer. The stick up the ass really, really hurts. My advice: either remove it, or lube it up and learn to enjoy it. 🙂

April 3, 2006

This sounds like Tom Cruise when he talks about Scientology. Ugh. *wink*

April 4, 2006

😛 Mel

April 4, 2006

RYN: It’s not drama, it’s comedy 🙂 3somes involving people…fine, not my thing, but fine. 3somes/orgies ivolving people, animals and fruits…not so much!

RYN: Maaaaaaaaaaybe, maaaabye not. I bet you’d like to know! Cause you never will!

April 5, 2006

Okay, this is now totally inappropriate for this entry…but…rawrrr?

April 5, 2006

RAWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRR! Damn Mel got here first. Donna x♥x –

All you bitches! RAWR is my word! RAWR!

April 7, 2006

Does [HDS 2.0] at least have a bigger dick?

April 7, 2006

Awww it seems some people can’t take a joke… *sniff sniff*..what shall we ever do? tsk tsk tsk…. *falls over laughing* *grins*

April 7, 2006

RYN: Road trip to PA to beat his ass?

No, you dont have to screw those people, they are the ones I wanted too. HDS is you, ya know. Dork.

April 7, 2006

It was nice hearing from you again!! 🙂

April 8, 2006

🙂 Have fun with whatever, I know I restarted my own life.

You are a fu*king lunatic, and I mean that as a compliment.

April 9, 2006

Get off your damned ass and write an entry, and NO I do not miss you.

April 9, 2006

So, tell me more about this body of yours…Lol.

I made some matzo balls in your likeness for Passover, you greedy Jew!

April 19, 2006

RYN It’s not dangerous at all, and it wouldn’t be considered an early removal because you can have it removed at can’t be in for any longer than 5 years My doctor is just an asshole Mel

April 19, 2006

Thanks 🙂

April 20, 2006

RYN: When I go to signed notes, which I have many times before, people tend to keep their mouths shut…or they start anonymous diaries just for noting me. For people who act like they’re so perfect they sure don’t want me reading about their lives. Go figure, huh?

April 21, 2006

RYN: I hope they take you up on that offer

April 22, 2006

RYN: I never would’ve guessed lol

April 24, 2006

RYN: Of course they won’t come to your diary then they have to sign their name…and for some reason they think I care who they really are so they refuse to note any of my readers as well

April 25, 2006

Hey, thank you for those notes. Especially the compliment about my titles! Now I have to live up to it darn it. So thanks for making me all stressed about what I call my entries! DARN YOU! kidding. thank you.

April 26, 2006

RYN: Are you sure? The breastfeeding nazi are telling me otherwise lol

April 26, 2006

RYN: Well that makes me feel loved!

April 26, 2006

RYN: Haha, nice.