Blogger is another word for “unemployed asshole.”

Man, I am so pissed I can barely type. I woke up this morning, getting ready to remind the world once more that I rule (for the few people who forgot in their sleep). I was in the process of running a search for information of the Nuclear Bunker Buster plan when I stumbled upon something that I do believe gave me permaneant high blood pressure:

I am used to seeing bullshit in the news, but this is going way too fucking far. It’s bad enough I have to put up with celebrity crap and hurricane hype, but what the hell? It is like these assholes are trying on purpose to make me vomit at the beginning of each day. Blogs on Yahoo! News? To me, that makes about as much sense as having a crack whore as a career counselor. Or a cripple on a battlefield. I guess some assholes think that an editorial process is irrelevant. Who needs professionalism when a digital video camera cell phone and a computer will suffice? Too bad nobody in the serious news reading public asked every nerd with laptop and a camera phone for his opinion.

I mean please, why do I want to read about world events from some Journalism school drop-out who writes whatever the hell he wants? Do people honestly believe that just because blogs don’t have corporate sponsorship (unless you include the banner ads, the pop ups, the hosting ads, and shameless plugs for other blogs and political books that no one with a life reads) that they are free from bias? Everyone with a brain knows that "blogger" is really just another word for "unemployed asshole" who thinks too much of his opinions.

Ditch that bullshit and give me real news please.

-His Divine Shadow

P.S. This will be my last entry for a while. I just got a Wednesday off, which is the first day off I have had in two months. Just spoiling the mood for those of you pulling it to the thought that I am back for good.

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The amount of time we spend on the edge of our seats waiting for a new HDS entry makes each one you post all the sweeter. 😉 So blogs are considerd official news, eh? maybe I should let them include mine in the search! Let me think of some interesting “news stories” to post….

October 26, 2005

Google has had this function for ages.

October 26, 2005

Actually, I don;t see what you are pissed about. The media today is mostly gossip and yellow journalism for the sake of ratings. This just makes it more official.

October 26, 2005

RYN: I know. Unfortunately, I’m not the only one who is sick… My coworker and myself have been calling our cluster of cubicles The Aisle of Disease. 🙂

October 26, 2005

Don’t read them! That’s what I think you should do but you didn’t ask, did you? Too bad my nigga! *LOL* Just joking around…it’s nice to have a day off though! I have Friday off. *YAY* More wedding stuff to do! Am I rambling? Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you cared… *giggles* Miss ya!

October 26, 2005

RYN: No one who knows me would dare say “meant to be” to my face. I’d laugh. And laugh. And laugh some more.

October 26, 2005

RYN: I for one welcome our new media destroying robot overlords.

October 26, 2005

I have an acquaintance that has a blog and he hounds me to leak him stuff so he can beat the real press on some stories.

October 26, 2005

wow- that was postmodern: a blogger bitching about bloggers on his blog. i think an author just died somewhere in the great cosmos of deconstruction. roland barthes, do we have a roland barthes, anyone? no? derrida?…. they’re all dead. neitzches? chomsky? perhaps i’ll call chomsky. he’s a current.

October 27, 2005

RYN: You gonna SUE me? *giggles* You wouldn’t do that! You know I love ya and I know you have a soft spot for me somewhere…in your pants?! LOL Oh, I’m so funny I crack meself up! Ow Ow I know you are smart and don’t read those blogs – I’m just giving you a hard time. Now, get back to work! =) XOXOXO,

October 31, 2005

Pass the dutchie on the left hand side

November 3, 2005

re: i would like to see a hand-drawn diagram of you punching someone in the face (or body part of choice) with a brick. I see it more as smashing someone, but punching it is. lol…kill them right back…what a crock of sh*t

November 3, 2005

i (still) wanna have your babies

November 11, 2005

RYN: Well, in order to be pussy-whipped, you kind of have to be getting pussy. And since he’s been taking his girlfriend over to Fuckhead’s house so she can give Fuckhead the pussy that is rightfully his, he is even worse than pussywhipped.

November 11, 2005


RYN: All lies. You know that if that had been MY general store, I would be out there right now kicking that tornado’s ass.

November 13, 2005

Thanks for your enlightened note on my diary. You have no idea what you’re talking about – the MaD person posted a bunch of their entries in the music circle, which I was browsing, and if you post things in circles you have to expect people to read them. I came across one of them, clicked it, and found the garbage he wrote which incidentally had nothing to do with music.

November 13, 2005

I also found your intervention pretty moronic in itself – if you have a problem with me then by your logic you shouldn’t read my diary or my notes and you shouldnt be the idiot who gets involved, right? Another point: for someone who detests bloggers so much, you should probably get lost and leave OD.

ryn: Yeah, they’re really uncomfortable too.

November 15, 2005

hmm i like you. and i found you as i went to see who our dear sprog had been pissing off recently. i had to go favourites only due to sprog and the sprog-posse generally being arseholes on my diary. grrr. so bonus points for being on the light side as well as funny. later

November 15, 2005

Ryn: my god, bit cranky are you? I said CARS. Not quite valuable personal posessions, go ahead and set mine on fire if you are really so desperate that nobody listens to you and your life is pure shit thanks to your skincolour. I’d be glad to help. Cars are a symbol of wealth in France, many are set on fire even in calm periods. It’s almost culture, like eating MacDonals till you die.

November 15, 2005

Also, without such “crimes” we wouldn’t be where we are now. We’d still live in dictatorships without rights.

November 19, 2005

So I guess you too are (what was it?) an unempoyed asshole…

November 22, 2005


November 23, 2005

Grow up.

November 23, 2005

Oh, and shallow? Bimbo? I would like to know exactly how you came to be of that opinion. I’m fairly certain the 100+ notes on my last entry would contradict that the opinion of Madball & yourself. Oh and the fact that I’m still just 21, own my own house and earn in excess of £23K a year may contradict this also. Just because I have an unusual diary name does not make me a whore. </cente

November 23, 2005

I am not a fan of hate notes, hate entries and your juvenile attempts to goad me. At the end of the day, noone believes the things I am accused of because they are ridiculous and clearly false. For the last time. GROW UP. Lianne Marie

November 27, 2005

£23K is an extremely well paying job? Isn’t that the roughly $30K in real money? That sucks dude. Grocery store cashiers make $30K a year. What ever she’s doing, she’s underpaid. But I guess that’s all you can expect with a degree in physcology.

November 30, 2005

“Everyone with a brain knows that “blogger” is really just another word for “unemployed asshole” who thinks too much of his opinions.” ….so….what does that make you? an unemployed a**hole as well? I mean you said it but you also have a diary on here.

November 30, 2005

RYN: hey was just saying. the way it comes across…yeah, I get your point either way. Just how you worded that part was like you were talking about everyone. But thanks for the clearification.

January 18, 2006

what’s real news? Fox?