Another Pissed off News Entry

I know I haven’t been around for a while, shut up. I’ve been busy with something called a real life. Anyway, since I am too busy to write out a lot of entries, I decided to do one big one on stuff that is pissing me off – mostly about those crybaby bastards still sore about the election, but also other bullshit that has managed to find its way into the news media. If you are not into election politics, I’d advise you to not read this entry – it will no doubt bore you. If you hate Martha Stewart, just read the last rant.

China Warns Taiwan Against Provoking Conflict

I’d bet hard cash that these assholes would be on the Axis of Evil – if they weren’t increasing Wal*Mart’s bottom line. Am I the only one who thinks that China is being incredibly ridiculous? For those who disagree, consider this quote:

“Armed conflict may be unavoidable if Taiwan keeps provoking China and pushing for independence,”

I am sure a lot of pro-China assholes think this is okay, unless a few words get changed around,

“Armed conflict may be unavoidable if BLACKS keeps provoking WHITE SLAVE OWNERS and pushing for FREEDOM,”

It’s the same fucking deal, people. China needs to stop being a bitch and grow the hell up. Why do they even care about a tiny island anyway? It is because they have a different political system that DOESN’T oppress it’s own citizenry and they can’t stand it, or is it the fact that they are not only jealous that they system Taiwan picked worked, but also lust after all that wealth creation and ingenuity that only a free society can produce?

China sucks, period. They don’t have anime and all their chicks look like they are 10 years old until they hit 45. The only thing good about them is Chinese food, and what we consider Chinese food was pretty much invented in San Francisco by Chinese trying to escape from that hellhole of a country. Their country used to be great until the “cultural revolution” which pretty much destroyed any of the true culture that China ever had, unless a body considers the destruction of the ancient Tibetian civilization, the mutilation of women, the suppression and torture of religious folks, and the murder of protesting students to be “culture.”

And yet for some oddball reason, the chinese still revere the tyrant Mao who started this whole catastrophe as if he were an ancient god of yore, which is rather ironic since most Chinese, especially their government, constantly condemn Christianity as being an obscene cult. And worshipping a murdering dictator is not?

Job Prospects Bright for College Seniors

This sounds like great news, unless you were a Kerry supporter. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t a Kerry presidency and ONLY a Kerry presidency supposed to create jobs? How could this be true? It is possible that the whole idea that a President can control the economy is bullshit? Or is this somehow Clinton’s doing? Guess that whole theory that only democrats can create jobs went out the window.

Oh yeah, that reminds me. If you were a Kerry-Edwards supporter, do yourself a favor and remove the bumper sticker. It makes you look like an idiot, trust me. Just today I saw someone who still has a Howard Dean sticker on his car. Would you want to be recognized everywhere as the guy who supported the losing team? Only if you are proud/arrogant/stupid enough.

Michael Moore to make anti-Bush “Fahrenheit” sequel

Hey Michael Moore? H0w does it feel to know that all your work, lies, and bullshit didn’t make a damn difference in the most recent election? His last “documentary” was about how George Bush “stole” the 2000 election, with some “war on terror” sprinkled in for good measure. I wonder who he is going to blame for the fact that this time, Bush not only won the Electoral vote, but the Popular Vote (something even Clinton never managed to do)? He’s gunna have to pull some pretty good shit out of his ass to make it with this one.
Here’s a good start for people who don’t have any ideas:

According to the official Kerry-Edwards Blog, “over the past 17 presidential elections, the outcome of the Redskins’ final home game before the Presidential election has determined the outcome of the election. According to history, if the Redskins win, the incumbent president remains in office. If they lose, the challenger wins.” This year, the Packers kicked the Redskins’ ass, and yet the incumbent Bush won hands down. I hope Michael Moore jumps all over this one in his new movie, cos if that isn’t a conservative voter-fraud conspiracy, I don’t know what is. It’s certainly one of the more plausible theories that supporters of have been floating around. And it might be the most truthful thing Moore ever says in his movies.

If anything, I think people supporting Bush should thank Moore. If it wasn’t for his ridiculous and hateful ranting, more people might have voted Bush out. I know lots of people where I live were totally turned off by the hateful intolerance of the Bush detractors. Apparently, the only person who doesn’t know this is Michael Moore. So good luck with your new movie, asshole. Hopefully, all the money you get from this one and the last one might give you enough cash to finally become a Republican.

House Panel Questions Role of French Bank

Does anyone else have any questions about why the French were so cozy with Saddam, Palestine, and hate the US? Forget Iraq, the US could have done a better job of fighting terrorism by invading France. It’s not like they’d put up a fight or anything either.

Shooting in Iraq Mosque Angers Muslims

Let me get this straight – assholes in Iraq are blowing up cars, mutilating soldiers and stringing them up on a bridge, beheading civilians while they are still conscious and kicking, terrorizing people who work for the government, ADMIT to all this shit, and no one says a peep. But when one solder shoots and kills one unarmed Iraqi in the heat of combat, everyone from Amnesty International to the UN is bitching up a storm? Granted, killing unarmed combatants isn’t a good thing, but how is that more important and more vile than what these “insurgents” have been doing to civilians who never had weapons or even the pretense of combat about them? That is bullshit. Where the hell was their crap when genocide was occurring in Darfur, when the French and Iraqis were exploiting the generosity of the “oil-for-food” program, and kids were being murdered by Chechen rebels? My guess, singing the praises of that dead terrorist Yasser Arafat. If you ask me, I think someone ought to investigate the UN for warcrimes, for letting this shit get so out of hand.

The white man has spoken: It’s Bu$h

Here is an excellent lesson in how to not be taken seriously. Admittedly, the writers of this pro-Commie rag are completely barmy, or enjoy making stuff up without backing up their “facts” with sources, but also take to clever spelling tags like “united $tates“, “Bu$h“, “humyn“, “Amerikkka” and “Republicrats.” Here’s a tip assholes; your cute little buzzwords only make sense to you. You may think it’s cool, but normal people think you all look like idiots. It’s like those dumbasses who speak in “l33t sp33k” and expect to be taken seriously. It’s okay in an AIM conversation, but not if you are writing for the vast majority of people who want to read real words and are expecting credibility from the author.

This article might have actually appealed to some people who are open to racist intonations and radical feminism along with idealistic Marxism. Too bad it looks like it was written for the Communist Club for Losers. Save the inside jokes for impressing your inner-circle – to the rest of the world, it looks just plain stupid.

California secession talk begins serious dialogue

A lot of dumb asses have been floating around the idea of leaving the U.S. after Bush was reelected to join Canada. I am sure most of them will never do anything more than check out and bitch some more before realizing they are too chicken-shit to follow through with their “threats.” But now more often, I am hearing them sing a new tune: why move to Canada when California could just join them instead?

It’s an interesting theory. Kerry did win California and some people think all the Blue states should abandon the oppressive homeland for Canada. There is just one major problem with this theory, not all of California voted for Kerry. In fact, Kerry won only 55% of California (and anyone who actually lives here knows that this is pretty damn pathetic). In fact, very few spots in the US were 100% Democratically voting. Then again, I can’t remember the last time a Bush-hater has cared about respecting opinions differing from their own.

Instead, I have a counter proposal – why don’t all you bastards go to Canada yourselves and quit bitching? And while you are at it, get bent too. 44% of California voted Bush, and they might not like seceding from the Union. Besides, this whole idea is ridiculous as it is. If you are going to insist that every state nearly split in half leave, why not go for all the red states that were won by Bush, even if it was only by 51%? It makes about as much sense as giving California to Canada, even though only 55% of California would agree to such a barmy idea. If you like paying 77% of your income in taxes, getting cheaper drugs (except they aren’t cheaper anymore, since you’ve got less take-home income), having all your retirement/education decisions made for you, and having the government bail you out every time you fuck up on the productive person’s dime, go do it to yourselves in a country that actually agrees with you. That way, the bitching stops and I am sure that you all would be very proud of being part of a country that numbers among its many accomplishments – let’s see – Oh yeah, that’s right, not a damn thing.

Iran Boasts of Victory Over U.S. on Nuclear Case

I am sure there are a lot of people who are cheering Iran on – like people who hate westerners, whites, and “imperialism.” But anyone who thinks that Iran is looking to use uranium for anything other than nuclear war is completely brain-dead. My proof?

Iran, which insists its nuclear program is solely for electricity generation, on Monday escaped possible U.N. sanctions after agreeing to suspend all uranium processing and enrichment activities.”

Sounds reasonable, right. Maybe so, until you get to this part:

“The United States, which already has a ban on trade and investment with Iran, OPEC’s second biggest oil producer

So let me get this straight: the second largest oil producer for OPEC desperately needs uranium fuel for energy production? If you are wondering what that smell is, it could be the smell of oily bullshit coming from the word-holes of Iran’s freakishly zealous leaders. This might have been even somewhat believable if it wasn’t for the fact that Iran isn’t even an industrialized nation. And the country-folk parading ballistic missiles through the street shouting “DEATH TO THE US/ISRAEL” doesn’t help their case. It is too bad that our President is too much of a pussy to do anything about it.

Pretty much says it all. For all you activist bastards who are into “Freeing” Palestine, maybe you guys should get a new cause.

Martha Stewart Eyeing Reality TV Comeback

I can see that jail will not humble Martha Stewart in any way. Still in jail and already planning the biggest move of her career yet – making yet another pointless reality show produced by one of those Survivor assholes. Although I did support her throughout the trials (mostly to piss off the jealous crybaby bitches who wanted her down), this has to be her stupidest idea yet. The reality show bandwagon passed a long time ago, just like every other useless fad. I mean seriously, every successful reality show has already gotten in when the getting was good. Martha Stewart is nothing more now than a copy-cat trying to come up in the game too late. Only an idiot gets on board the Titanic after it hits the iceberg. Fortunately, she’s got money to burn, so hopefully, television viewers will only be subjected to one or two seasons before people realize what a dumb son-of-a-bitch she’s being.

If this didn’t piss you off, stay tuned for more entries about why all the movies in 2004 sucked ass, and why I support statutory rape.

-His Divine Shadow 

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December 3, 2004

This entry is pimp.

December 3, 2004

tHaTz teEN tAlK foR KeWl.

December 3, 2004

crap, crap….crap. Eh. I stopped reading after 4 lines. I guess you can call it A.D.D. Or just laziness. Either way I’ll get back to it.

December 3, 2004

It wasn’t even 55%. It was 53% to 47%.

December 3, 2004

Ever follow news in Kansas? They had a major pile of crap over the BTK case here this week. Thought they caught the guy, had the news team doing breaking news for a day or 2, then turns out it’s not him and they’ve ruined the mans life for nothing. Now everyone knows everything about him, including where the poor man lives. It’s sad. And they didn’t even get anywhere.

December 3, 2004

You’re always to generous to their ilk. Glad you’re back. Missed you much. Love,

i like it better when you dont write in your diary… i like the eerie where is he? feeling i get when you aren’t around… almost like a dead celebrity

This was as good as promised. Excellent work. Kudos. That doesn’t mean I’m going to let you help me try to outdo my neighbors though 😛

December 4, 2004

once again you dissapoint me Chris =o(, btw come online you never online anymore and shit…got so much to talk about O.O

But I LIKE Michael Moore. Aside from the fact that he looks like he eats everyone who disagrees with him… I also like l33t, but only for its sheer idiocy. Have you ever seen “Tales of the l33t”? I’ll have to find a link and send it to you. I can’t wait to see what you thought about this year’s movies.

ouch, the french… How do you remove bumper stickers? can’t wait for the next entry. -Vær

“i like it better when you dont write in your diary…” heeeey, me too!! 😉

December 5, 2004

How do you feel about the Amend for Arnold campaign? Personally, I think America needs a Nazi in the White House to bring some goddamn order and discipline to this pathetic country

oh damm u havent died yet, oh well theres always next year

December 7, 2004

Martha Stewart sucks.

How refreshing to come across a politically intelligent entry that’s not violently anti-Bush. ^_^