And now even more Charlie Sheen FACTS!!!

76. Charlie Sheen takes a rocket ship to the moon sometimes when the Earth is getting too non-gnarly for his tastes.

77. There are some things even Charlie Sheen can’t do. One of them is making up a hernia out of thin air.

78. Charlie Sheen refuses to suffer fools who show up to his parties without reading the directions first.

79. Charlie Sheen doesn’t give interviews, he leaves warnings.

80. Charlie Sheen is the nicest guy you want to meet.

81. Charlie Sheen has been known to eat the hands off the arms of people who touch his children and that is no joke. The rest of the time, Sheen’s diet consists almost solely of corporate flesh.

82. Charlie Sheen’s pilot light cannot be extinguished by any means known to mankind. And any attempt to do so is a mistake.

83. One of Charlie Sheen’s little known hobbies is collecting vintage balderdash.

84. Charlie Sheen once revivied chivarly from a coma.

85. Resentments are the rocket fuel that live in the tip of Charlie Sheen’s mighty saber.

86. Charlie Sheen is capable of drinking water through his eyes. For all other beverages, he prefers the traditional method of imbibing.

87. Charlie Sheen never discusses his wartime experiences because he is a veteran of the unspeakable.

88. You will never see Charlie Sheen answer his phone from the ground floor because Charlie Sheen only answers to higher callings.

89. Charlie Sheen is well known for watching his critics weep into their diapers in his rear view mirror.

90. Charlie Sheen has been known to gobble down world records like they were a bag of troll-house zombie chow with no regrets.

91. Charlie Sheen loves the smell of napalm in the morning.

92. Charlie Sheen’s arsenal consists of only one weapon, torpedos of truth.

93. Charlie Sheen has been known to confuse earthquakes with the collective bowels of failure, which is an understandable mistake.

94. Charlie Sheen invented the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma in his sleep. If you remember the city existing before Charlie Sheen’s dreaming it up, you are wrong.

95. Charlie Sheen once had the title of his new book "Apocalypse Me" delivered to him through vast and extensive lunar channels. The book is written entirely in Sheen’s native language: Warlock Latin.

96. Charlie Sheen once competed with the Sun for who was the biggest Star in the world. Guess who won.

97. Thanks to Charlie Sheen, Sanofi-Aventis had to update its list of Ambien’s side effects to include "choking porn star Capri Anderson in a hotel room."

98. Charlie Sheen often scatters the meek by spreading mighty wildfires just because he can.

99. Charlie Sheen isn’t interested in dealing with all the small talk.

100. You are not ready for the message Charlie Sheen is delivering.


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March 14, 2011

RYN: I recall many stories right after 9/11 when there was a huge outpouring of support to the Red Cross, but none of that money really made it to anything related to 9/11. Same thing happened after Katrina. They are a huge organization, and I know that they do a LOT of good things all over the world. But how do I know that the ten dollars I donate when I text 90999 or whatever will go where I …

March 14, 2011

intend it to? I read story after story about people in hard-hit areas of Japan having little to no food or water or shelter or comfort, and I want my money to give them those things when I donate it, but I have no control over that whatsoever. I guess what I should have said is “I don’t trust that the Red Cross will do what I want with my donation.” I know they’re a humanitarian organization…

March 14, 2011

… that does good things. I dunno, maybe I’m jaded, but I’m not blindly giving ANY organization my money until I’m certain it’s getting to the people who need it.

March 18, 2011

RYN: The appropriate response would be to moon over how impossibly beautiful I am GET WITH THE PROGRAM SON Okay, and yeah, so I was exaggerating. I exaggerate. It’s what I do. You know that! 😀

March 18, 2011

RYN: Well, maybe when I become a Bene Gesserit. . .;)

MaDBaLL is back. Hide your children.

Your notes were always the best.. I have them all saved but this new OD doesn’t allow links, so I have to re edit everything. Anyway, it feels ****ing fantastic being back. Like taking a rubber off half way thru sex.

i wonder what Bruce is thinking right now. Did his wife dump him yet for not being a real man?

April 14, 2011

re: fear, yes. i fear people that hate other people based on their religion, their skin color or ideals. i fear people that go out of their way to hurt other people to get ahead in life. i fear people who pity those they know nothing about… but hate? hate is only for war and taxes. – noah

April 14, 2011

p.s. thank you for the note.

May 25, 2011

Where ya been? Round the block and back again? Oh, say its not so. oh oh. say its not so.

May 26, 2011

I will take option number 3.

June 5, 2011


September 6, 2011

Dooood!!!! Where are you when I need you?

October 18, 2011

RYN: Yeah well that’s great but when you note me and I’m like “OH **** HDS IS BACK WHO DID HE PISS OFF NOW,” and I find no new entry from you. . .I’m the one who gets pissed off. You heard me, brah.

March 13, 2012

I’m thinking the 9-11 donations given Red Cross didn’t go to 9-11 victims because they didn’t need it – not enough of them, other benefits, etc. etc. The Red Cross used the money for people with greater needs and less glamor. Which I think is ok.