that’s exactly how i feel …. between a clown and a stern person. i seriously think that stern would be a better option and every morning i try to be just that but things always go wrong for me.
as i don’t have patience in reading long entries, i try to keep mine short. i mean who got the time? being here is just fine enuf alridy!
you do 🙂 not a lot of ppl do lol But I love unisex names for girl I dont know why, just do 🙂
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ryn: wednesdays are for drinking and smoking. Hence the crappy feeling this morning. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I had a night out like that. Normally it happens every week, but I was home for Thanksgiving for 2 weeks so I was deprives. –
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tough choice. Clowns get no respect, and stern people are sometimes too serious for their own good. hehe. And patience is an overrated virtue. I’m usually in too much of a hurry to aquire it.
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I would rather be a clown…. that way you can always laugh and make the world laugh with you…
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Yes, I know that there’s a conversation entry in my diary for us, but I wanted to relieve any worry you may or may not have had about my last entry. I’m actually feeling alot better. I managed to get out and go shopping with a friend of mine today and we ate pizza, and laughed and everything was ok. Wow. Run on sentence much? lol. Anyway, I’m fine now. Thanks for your note.
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