
The following observation and couple of quizzes were sent to me by an acquaintance.

So she doesn’t want you. Have you guys out there ever been rejected? You probably felt hurt and subsequently made a promise to yourself that you’d improve your personality, so once again she may look at you in a different way and bla bla bla!

Let’s have a quick look:

1. If you’re good looking…she says, "I think attractive guys are players".
2. If you’re not good looking…she says, "I want someone who I can show off to my friends."
3. If you’re not a handsome guy but underwent cosmetic surgery to become good looking…she says, "I can’t be with a guy who doesn’t accept himself for what he is".
4. If you’re rich…she says, "I don’t like guys who are well-off because they think money can buy everything".
5. If you’re broke…she says, "Please, get real!"
6. If you’re penniless but became filthy rich after you’ve won the lotto…she says, "Good luck doesn’t come that often."
7. If you’re poor but turned into a millionaire one day because you worked hard all your life…she says, "I don’t think life with a workaholic can be a happy one".
8. If you’re well-off in the beginning but went bankrupt…she says, "The guy can’t even look after his money, how he will look after me?"
9. If you have a goal in life and strive very hard for it…she says, "Guys who expect too much are likely to hurt themselves with disappointment and I don’t want to hang around & see that."
10. If you don’t have dreams and just living you life for the sake of living…she says, "A guy who doesn’t have dreams in his life is already half dead."
11. If you’ve an objective in life but not really striving for it…she says, "I hate lethargic day-dreamers".
12. If you never had any ambition until you’ve met her…she says, "Thanks! But don’t tie your life and dreams with me".
13. If you have your own successful business…she says, "I want to be with a guy who works for the government/ in the military because I think it is very honorable for a guy to serve his country."
14. If you’re in the military…she says, "I can’t be happy living with a guy earning meager income".
15. If you’re working for the government and also have your private business…she says, "I hate people who use administration’s precious time for their own gain."
16. If you’re a very successful person in every way, possessing all the good stuff… she says, "Tell me honestly, are you gay?"
17. If you’re everything in #16 and not gay…she says, "You’re too perfect for me."

As you can see if she doesn’t love you, she doesn’t love you. No matter what you are. But if she really loves you, even if you are a heartless assassin, a merciless bomber or a terrorist working for AL-QAEDA, she doesn’t give a shit cause to her you’re her "angel".

Pretend that you’re going to a closed streets evening bazaar. There, they have various kind of stuff on display. They also got musical shows and art work exhibitions. At one of stalls you can see they’re selling T-shirts with animals painted on them. Let’s say that you want to buy one. Which creature would you have on your T-shirt?

1. A monkey
2. A dog
3. A bear
4. An elephant
5. A dinosaur
6. A zebra
7. A snake
8. A giraffe
9. A tiger/a lion
10. A hippopotamus
11. A cat
12. A fish

Don’t think too hard and don’t change your answer.

Ok, this question was about you, so let’s see the answers.

If you picked:

Monkey: you’re a sly person, yet you’re hunger for knowledge. You like to do activities because you’re a very agile. You don’t want to just sit around and do nothing

Dog: you’re a person who cares for his/her family & friends. You love to party and at times you tend to have things done your way.

Bear: basically, you’re a person good nature who gets along well with people but deep down you’re a snob and think highly of yourself.

Elephant: you’re the kind of person that your siblings and friends trust the most with their secrets but you’re rarely get close to anyone and of course you’ve a good memory! You like traveling far distances in search of stuff. You’re an inventor.

Dinosaur: you’re a die hard fan of art and antiquity. You have unstable mood and can get emotional easily. You’re romantic but anti social. At times you like to play like a child, yet on a different day you can be a control freak adult.

Zebra: you’re very beauty conscious. You look after your physical appearance and tend spend a lot of money for it. You like all sorts of entertainment. You like to analyze people, and it’s something that people can’t really do on you because you hide your feelings well and you’re very picky when it comes to making friends.

Snake: you’re a snob with strong charisma. You don’t take advice from people around you. You’re very loving and like to be independent. You don’t like problems and can be very patient. Everything that you think or do is different from other people.

Giraffe: you’re a timid person with zilch confidence in yourself. But you’re kind and got your own personality.

Tiger/Lion: you may think that you’re very intimidating but you’re not. The real you is a softy at heart. You’d rather like to stay in your own world than poke your nose in other’s business.

Hippopotamus: people respect your endurance but in reality you’re too slack.
You don’t do things properly.

Cat: you’re very unpredictable. Even the people close to you don’t know you that well. When you set your mind on doing something you’ll do it without any consideration of anybody.

Fish: you like peace and serenity. You loathe rules & regulations also any kind of competitions. You’re not a person who would strive for the things you want. You like to enjoy you private life and rarely do anything that you don’t like. You live simple and love your friends because you have a big heart.

Now that you know about yourself send this to your friends and see what they come up with. And don’t forget to put your ‘animal’ at the top of this quiz, so everyone can see which animal you’ve chosen.

Take this quiz and no peeking at the answers.

It’s the holidays! You’re on a plane heading for your destination of choice where you relax and spend your vacation. If you were to look out the window half way there, what do you think you’ll see?

A. Houses.
B. Oceans.
C. Forests.
D. Fields.
Whatever you see down there is a problem you can’t run away from.

Houses…it’s the trouble you have at work, school or with the people there.

Ocean… You’re having trouble with yourself.

Forests… It’s a family problem or trouble in your love life.

Fields…It’s the difficulty you have with people around you or your friends.

Which creature from the following you loathe the most?

A. Spiders.
B. Roaches.
C. Geckoes.
D. Centipedes.


The creature that you can’t stand, stands for that quality your girl/boy friend or your crush possess which can result to immediate withdrawal from your relationship/thoughts about that person.

Spiders…stand for him/her being dangerously secretive.

Roaches…stand for him/her being uncertain of things. Two minded personality.

Geckoes…stand for him/her being unfaithful.

Centipedes…stand for him/her using you to get what he/she wants.

If you were walking on a bridge to get to the other side of the street so you could check out that swanky mall. On your last flight down you saw a beggar, being kind you gave some money. Was the beggar…?

A. Blind.
B. Disabled.
C. An elderly.
D. A child.

The beggar represents the person that you love, who means a lot to you and has changed your life in a good way, but you never really gave much importance to him/her.

Blind individual…is your sweet heart or best friend.

Disabled one…is one of your relatives.

The elderly… is your mom/dad.

The child…is you

You’re having a night out at the beach with your friends. After that you all went to a seafood restaurant to feed your faces. On the way back you happened to get diarrhea. Which sea food item would’ve caused that?

A. The shrimps.
B. The clams.
C. The crabs.
D. The fish.
E. The squids.


The food that gave you diarrhea stands for the flaw in you that can cause you your friends

Shrimps…stand for your lack of confidence & low self esteem. You’re constantly asking for approval.

Clams…stand for being too polite.

Crabs…stand for you being moody.

Fish…is your greediness, having things your way, compulsive etc. You also tend to embarrass you friends in public.

Squids…stand for your habit of spreading private matters of your friends around town.

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