
Buono giorno, come sta?
Bonjour, comment allez-vous?
Guten tag, wie geht es lhnen?
Conas a ta tu?
Hallo, hoe gaat het met ja?
Bore da! Sut ydych chi heddiw? Mae’n ddiwrnod braf.
buenos dias, como esta usted? Como se llama usted? Me llamo bryan

My say at random. They may seem a bit odd.

I’m a million different things and not one you know of.

After several attempts of trying to keep some sort of journal about myself for let’s say 5-7 years, here I am doing it all over again. I just hope that this one will continue for sometime if not forever. So, what’s new with you?

And everyone is in control with his finger on the trigger.

Ok, I’ve this couple of individuals I know who like to turn my tips, advices and suggestions in to their own and then serve them back to me. Stop doing that!
Also I got this annoying guy at work that I strongly dislike. But for my "hang about" there I’m just being nice and going with the flow, his flow actually.

Now that you are all alone
And my feelings for you has collapsed
Don’t want to see you again
Or I’ll have a relapse.

Be hushed in the classroom, respect the fact that others slumber!

They say the more you have in common
The more fruitful your connection will be
But there’s a big difference between you and me

The deal with raffles here in super/hyper markets is that; the respective markets’ bosses or representatives will try very hard that only the locals win. In another word it’s fixed, man!

If I don’t see you
The sun is an orange
And the sky is not blue
If I don’t have you
I’ll be sick in bed
And my life fades

A certain race has this disease of asking other people where they are from, especially if the concerning second party is from Asia.

Do you think it’s fair to shut people out? I wonder how impressed he is with this. A case of intelligent folks going insane!

I won’t cry for you
I’ll cry when God wants me to
I don’t give dirt about your way
‘Cause I’m going on mine

When I was younger one of the naughty things I used to do is that whenever I’d lose a shoe or a slipper I would go "shopping" for a replacement. You know going around the neighborhood and filch the ones you like. I was even nice enough to have left those people with my old one.
Another wicked stuff would be us (me and friends) on a bridge throwing tamarind seeds or pebbles on motors passing by us below. This is when we were nine or ten.

Ignorantly they were hailing the dictator but little did they know that had he reached here he’d have eliminated them too.

The pain of losing
Losing not you but me

In the vicinity of saints or far from it I can’t decide. The confused core!

And when the rain fall I guess they should be happy, but how can they be? They live in BRITAIN. We have plenty of sunshine here and we’re not so happy about it because we live in KSA. How come the winter is so short? I know why, but what I mean is couldn’t it last a bit longer.

Hey, Mr. ABDUL NARAYAN D’SOUZA SINGH! How much Indian can you get? If you’re reading this I was just wondering where you are and how you are doing.

So technically they’re poorer than us…heehaw!

Beauty of thousand but none of them is mine
Sure it’s kind of sad but I still feel fine
Beauty of thousand
Sincere not one
Too many a rich slut
And one of them is her
I’m just an earth walker

Let me say something about my mother. My feelings for her is neutral I don’t love her and I don’t hate her either. And when it seems like we are talking, we are not. For crying out loud we’re not even on the same frequency.

You would not believe that these people are so bad that a legion of 124,000 pious men were sent here to cure their itch!

How long have you been on earth? They told me heaven was looking for you?

What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is also mine!

Through the entrance
And up the stairs
I came but you weren’t there
So go ahead and figure me out
Of what I’m talking about
Help you to help me
Think of it what you may
And make sense of what you can

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November 23, 2006

For one i have no idea what you are talking about and it hurts my head to think about it. .. RYN:I am greek irish born in florida. my boyfriend is egyptian christian and my room mate is from karachi muslim .. I am a security guard i work from 5pm to 5am When do you think you will write a new entry? tum kasy ho… sorry if i got it wrong ez zayak

November 23, 2006

sì è un giorno molto piacevole ma un freddo della punta trés bien merci beaucoup guter Tag geht es Geldstrafe gerechte Tá mé go maith, go raibh maith agat, agus tú fein? Hallo is het nog goed gaand geen kwestie welke taal u me in vraagt. Bore da! Sut ydych chi heddiw? Mae’n ddiwrnod braf. (this one sorry i dont know) hola bryan me llaman sue

Hmm. Very random. And yet coherent. hmm. I am… sitting on the couch… and I’m doing fine, I suppose. There was alot packed into that. Had to read it twice to catch the flow of thought. “Go ahead and figure me out?” Hardly. There’s not enough here to do that with. But so far I’ve gathered that you are an intelligent man who thinks relationally and may enjoy confusing people. Am I right?