
The weekend was beautiful, no rain as they were speculating on on the news and this made it just beautiful.

My parents left saturday evening early on their flight overseas. They’ll be spending time in Sicily, a total of 6 weeks where they’ll bum around visit family, friends and just have an overall good time. A small part of me envies them but it isn’t like I haven’t been there. The weather is just going to be profoundly good though.

Saturday morning I got my replacement tire finally after a week of incompetence and then skidaddled off to jiffy lube and got my oil change which was overdue by like a thousand miles but luckily I use synthetic so I stretched it safely. While I was there I was across the street from a jeep dealership and saw this:

I am seriously considering it and will have it mind when I begin my research as this can’t be a one sided decision.

But is seriously kick ass and has 3 rows of seating and it’s a 4 x 4.

4 x 4 = offroading on the beach = fishing = heaven!

Later on after Nina got back with H2 we made a trip to the nursery and got more plants for the garden. We got back up tomatoes for those which we believe may be in trouble plus others. If all goes well I think I’ll be able to feed the block with what we yield.

Today was just me and my son. He had a rough night last night with an acid reflux relapse and we have been trying to stay vigilant on this front so this came as a shock to us. He nuzzled with us in bed for a short while before I scooped him up and settled him in bed.

He didn’t wake until 8:30am and was a picky eater today short of a good lunch of apple sauce & soy yogurt.

Nina came home and gave me a rash of shit for (obviously) not getting the amount of work done that she would have. Later she would come to say she could’ve reacted differently.

Sometimes I feel like I should just text her everytime I get something done *lightbulb* gee that would be annoying as hell. Maybe….

Otherwise I am well, looking forward to getting back to work and staying on top of things.

Ok, enough for now…

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Just a heads up about a 4×4. I love’um, the problem is that if you ever need to replace the ball joints that’s a pretty pricey job. Living in upstate NY they’re great in the winter but like I said be prepared to pay through the nose for repairs.

May 17, 2010

I looked at those…absolutely NO cargo space. Third row sits against liftgate. But I do like them!