Surveyance of Thought

1. I’ve come to realize: That I am too old to let things just happen without me.

2. I am listening to: The clock on the baker’s rack.

3. I talk: and often no one listens. I think more simply because I’m the only audience that won’t run away.

4. I love: Too deeply. I am wreckless and often times I fear what will come out of it.

5. My best friends are: Not close enough.

6. My enemies hate me because: I am just better than they are.

7. I lost: Time.

8. I hate it when people: Lie. Especially to me.

9. Love is: like oxygen and passion are it’s lungs.

10. Marriage is: something I’m still trying to figure out.

11. Somewhere, someone is thinking:  "where are you?"

12. I’ll always be: honest

13. I have a crush on: one girl.

14. The last time I cried was because: I knew things weren’t right. This was yesterday.

15. My mobile is: helpful. My memory is shit and I plug in dates and such in there. It even has a retard alert that sounds off for me. I feel special.

16. When I wake up in the morning: I check on my son, my little man.

17. Before I go to sleep at night: I read often. But I rotate through books. Right now we are reading on house framing and construction.

18. Right now I am thinking: I need to get going soonly.

19. Babies are: a gift. They really are.

20. I go on Facebook: Too much. I enjoy knowing that old friends still care and are around.

21. Today I:  will work on being productive at work.

22. Tonight I will: succumb to my thoughts and do more reading

23. Soon I will:  get my design company off the ground, every day is a realization that I need to make this happen.

24. I really want: to stay on the ball with my weight loss. Down 5 lbs.

25. The person who is most likely to re-post this is: Unsure. Surprise me.

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babies are the best. it’s the one thing no one is prepared for; at least for the first one, and yet we jump in and just ‘do’ and often wing it til we get the hang of it, and those little ones still seem to survive okay lol

April 14, 2010
April 14, 2010

My mobile phone is helpful too, except for when I forget to charge it.