
Well, it’s midafternoon and L.I. is drenched with rain, well depending where you are. It may snow which would be good and bad, especially if it drops further in temp, then I’ll have icy roads, which won’t be any fun.

I visited Jennifer earlier today, had lunch with her, it was nice, her lunch break was only an hour so I didn’t have as much time as I wanted. But I had some time.

I went to the gym today at like 10am, worked on my legs, some calf raises, leg presses, etc and capped it off with a 470 calorie burn on the Precor Elipse machine, half hour’s worth of climbing, but I had a magazine with me so it went by fast.

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yuck. rain and snow suck, but I had a wild good time splashing in it as I tried to walk down the sidewalk.

you have all the time in the world to be with jennifer…muah

good luck xx

Congrats!! Glad you had a great day!

Always a lethal mix… rain/snow.