
Like any business there are many parts, but the two essential parts you see are the men and women. Or simply women, or just men, if such is your fancy.

Each is paid for what they do. Each has some sob story of why they do this.

Why they gift others worldwide with something that used to be special…that used to be sacred in the burning cauldrons of lovers entwined in what seemed the eternal heartbeat.

Once everyone wanted it. Lust from time to time took over, jilting lovers now and again. Yet something changed. Sex became a commodity. It became an object devalued and denigrated in importance in society. It was not and is not seen for what it is, or what it should be. It excites, arouses and stimulates our minds, the primordial beast within unleashed for a stroll.

Yet I digress. The partakers are paid. They choose to do this. They choose to accept the money. Do they have no other way out? Who knows? Yet still…..they choose to accept the money.

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take care xx

Interesting observation