Men/Women…what went wrong?

My girlfriend and I were having a discussion of men and women. The root of the debate was ” If men and women are equal what allowed the male population to ascend into supremacy?”

I mean serious, men and women, through the ages grew in brain capability at the same rate, or at least we can speculate such, correct?

Then how was it that they became subservient for such a period of time?

Yes, men at one period of time were physically more adept, but now adays things are slightly more balanced, although with the state of affairs of young women being bubble gum thin (on average, not all) this could again change. [ cue unified groan ]

Anyway, man, hunter/gatherer…woman, home maker/ cook/ everything else I’ll forget.

It’s just bizarre such a situation was allowed to happen. Because really, women are smart and keen of insight, did they not see this down the road? The subservience? The censure of their freedoms, rights, voice, opinion and such?

Women, being of keen mind are definately capable of well thought out ideas, and men, of course are willing to capitalize on shrewd maximum resulting ideas/theories.

We are, opportunists, builders, survivors, which ever your choice of branding they all remain hot in the coals of your personal branding stall. Heh..

Women, are not weak, no they are capable, they couldn’t of simply been quiet, let a moment pass where they could not be recognized for their brilliance, or at least that is how I see it.

These things are of value, and yet it slipped from their grasp for a time.

Yet men are also at fault, of course, we see an opportunity, we jump on it; literally. So with this in mind, the man decides of course, hey we have a good thing here, and so is born the maid.

Now ladies and gentleman, I’m no male chauvinist, simply a wonderer, desiring more insight into the female mentality, if the female mind has anymore insight into this than myself. Thanks for reading, and please share your insight, especially you astute women out there reading this.

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Do not fool yourself for a moment that women were ever the weaker sex. Men may think that they had the upper hand, but it was always a woman that put him there. Women are the true backbone to society, they just do

(oops)Women are the true backbone of society, they just do not need the glory men need.

I’ll have to agree and disagree with that note. Where I think women are always a major role in everything…I don’t think women don’t seek glory for it. Everyone seeks their dues. Interesting points you make in this. 🙂

Wow…You’re much braver than I, my friend! What a hornet’s nest you’ve opened up. LOL! RYN: I know ther is much more to us than that. The sad thing is, we tend to show the world our shallow facade as not to upset

Upset our peers, or the “Good Ol’ Boy Network.On the man/woman issue, I believe there are many reasons for the present day dilemma. Man is typically more agressive and war like than women (IMHO)

Being testosterone driven, we are much more likle to make larger a$$es of ourselves. The way we are raised and cultivated has much to do with present day situation. On a larger scale this spreads through our pol

Spreads through the country through our Political web (and what a tangled web we weave…)One group wanting to put the fair sex on pedestals, make them stay at home and take care of our sorry butts for us. Yet we have

made it almost impossible for a family to raise above poverty level on a single family income (in general)So most women have to work to help support their family. Next… many men leave the whole deal of child

Child rearing, especially nurturing, to the ladies. Again, teaching the children what the expected roles are (supposed) to be. *SIGH… I think you can see where I’m going with this. The character limit

The 256 character limit on notes is starting to make me a little bonkers. So I’ll quit here. Good subject matter you have brought up, though! ~*Peace…
