Inferno et Paradisio

My parents are growing older, their span upon this mortal plane is not complete yet, at the same time not just beginning. They are at their midlives. And it has me thinking about when they depart. About when I depart.

We live in this place, this self contained prison of hard earth. Our deeds, judged on the moral scale set by religion and society, which in itself is like some morbid hypocritic pair of conjoined twins.

If you’d like to go to heaven act this way, otherwise prepare to slide down the razor blade slide into the salty seas of hell (pleasant isn’t it?).

Yet in their own ranks the “sins” seem larger than those of those they lead. We seem to find ourselves caught up in the rhetoric and clauses which might invoke our passed spirits into the golden ether.

Yet, our life is so short in the scheme of things, one would seem to say “Why worry?”. This life is ours to control, to shape. Yet the most simple of things about life, should we not be satisfied with what we do?

We as the human animal feel pride with well done accomplishments. Shouldn’t life, the root of all action be our greatest accomplishment? We deserve satisfaction, happiness. Not because we did something out of the ordinary, it is much more simpler than this. It is the right of the soul to be without a conflicted and convoluted heart.

We work hard, strive to keep family, friends and our dreams alive and well. This homeostasis is not a game of bragging rights, yet some become diluted and think this is the goal.

Heaven is what we make of life, hell is what we go through to get there.

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oy. you make me feel like i’m back at loyola, with all this philosophizing. wish i had an answer. i didn’t then and i don’t now. 🙂