Full steam ahead…

Gym this morning at 5:00am, it was crystal clear in my mind as I slid from my warm bed like a blade from it’s handle. There was no mourning for the comfort of my bed behind me as footfalls pushed me away and out the door.

Elliptical work yielded 430 calories burned on  2.4 miles and coupled that with more abdominal work. Yesterday I paired it with delt work and my arms are nicely sore.

Today it will be hot but luckily I won’t have to fight Casey the secretary on the a.c. unit since yesterday she was such a tyrant.

Ok, enough about me, time to shower up and make ready for work. 

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i read your gym news with interest.. please don’t laugh, but i spent 5 min on an elliptical machine last night and thought i’d be calling 911 after. it was my first time; im twice your age, overweight and just starting this stuff. what i did do (better for knees) was this NuStep thing and that was better. i watched these people do the steppers and was in awe and thought about you and your workouts. it’s no walk in the park lol

🙂 I love the elliptical. I’ve been doing a slot of step aerobics classes though. You’d be surprised how many guys do them too. I always thought it more of a “girl” class, but there’s an obviously straight guy that usually lifts that comes into the class and takes it everyday pretty much. He says it’s the best cardio he can get.