It’s colder than a witches…what??
Dear Diary,
It’s coooold out there! With the windchill it’s a -26 degrees! I am definitely staying put. I have nowhere to be today. I do feel bad for having to put my dog outside to go potty, but he does his business and is ready to come in. I feel bad for anyone who has to be outside in the cold working. I know a guy who works on a farm and he said that no matter what, he has to report to work, in all kinds of weather. I hope he’s doing okay. I am so glad that the postal workers weren’t forced to work today. I don’t need my mail that bad. I pay all my bills online and I usually get junk anyway. Though, I am expecting 2 packages, I am fine with waiting a little longer for them. I’d rather my mail man be safe than to deliver my packages in the extreme cold.
It’s hit me that I have 3 work days left with my current job. I’m starting to feel a little blue. The last 2 shifts are going to remind me again why I am leaving, but I am still going to miss some of the people and some of my coworkers. Though, I am anxious to start my new job. I’ve been talking to people with the same job and they absolutely love it. I am pretty psyched and I hope I will love it just as much. It’s been a while since I actually looked forward to going into work. I wasn’t dreading it and hating every minute while I was there. The beginnings of a job, though overwhelming, are always the best. You’re eager to be there and to learn. I look forward to those days again.
Okay, Diary, I am going to get some things done before becoming absorbed in a book. Until next time!
Your Friend,
That Girl
Worse for you than me I see. You are good person to feel so much compassion and empathy for others.
@skobru Thank you, I try to be! 🙂
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you have a great attitude! you will be a success in your new job
@kaliko Thank you! 🙂
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