Wednesday – Thursday, October 2-3, 2024

I had a haircut client this morning.  She’s one of the mothers of the brides that I did a couple weeks ago.  She’s so fun and I just love her!  We also share similar political views, which we don’t talk about, but at the same time I think that makes people just vibe right off the bat.  We cut about 4 inches off and gave her a sassy layered bob with lots of texture.  We both loved it.

I took my roommate to the airport after that, then came home and started cleaning a little bit.  I cleaned off the back patio, put away laundry, started the dishwasher…vacuumed the house.  All little things basically, but then I don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the week.  I do have quite a bit left to do in the garage though…I feel like I’m going to defer that to tomorrow as it’s already almost 5 and I just want to relax.

I don’t have any appointments tomorrow which is always kind of nice when I have a wedding the next day.  I’m slightly worried about this wedding though because I am still waiting on a timeline…which has NEVER happened.  I’m going to send her a message as soon as I’m done writing this.  She isn’t talking to her mother…or her other bridesmaids I’m assuming because her mother reached out to me and she didn’t even know about it as far as hair goes or anything else.

I’m honestly just really excited to have a week to myself.  I’m very much an introvert and so time alone is always very precious to me…but it’s pretty rare when you have a roommate.  Hoping that I get some fun art projects done…mainly tackling the massive canvas I’ve had for about 6 months now that just keeps taunting me in the garage.  I do need to get a printer though so I can work on scale.

My macrame is now posted in my albums on Facebook.  I really need to get more serious about selling online…I really want to open up that boutique that I’ve been slowly organizing and the website is already created…but it needs to be better.  I want that done before we move to Arizona as it can serve as more passive income…and eventually I’d like to have a salon/boutique style set-up.  I have all of my accounts, I just need to get some things in order…and everyone in retail knows that retail is very up and down…feast or famine.  I’m just going to keep reminding myself that things will move and I can always make more money.  I will make more money.  I need to do what fulfills me and makes me happy.

Anyway…my sister is on her way from town over here with my grandma.  My grandma is going to buy her groceries…which is another whole can of beans that I’m not going to get into right now.  BUT she is coming to pick up my nephews backpack so that I don’t have to run it 30 minutes into town…and then drive home, so I’m happy about that.  My grandma has also never been to my house, we’ll see what she has to say.

I’m getting really excited to leave for Arizona…I feel like I haven’t been able to think about it much though with everything going on.

That was from yesterday.  I had a call from my husband and then I called my mom because my step-dad had surgery yesterday and then I just forgot to get back in here.

My step-dad’s surgery went ok.  I guess it was really difficult because he has a lot of scar tissue from his previous injuries while in service.  I will call her sometime today and see how things are going.  I know he has to stay in the hospital for a couple days because they want to keep an eye on him.  He had a bypass.

I did get the house cleaned up a little bit last night like I mentioned…and then I watched TV for a bit and waited for my sister to come get my nephews backpack.  She was suppose to leave town around 4 and then didn’t end up getting here until 8:30.  I told her to just grab it out of my car because I was already in bed…but the truth was my other sister is back in town and she was with her.  I know she’s the one that stole my ornaments and I just don’t trust her nor do I want to see her right now.  So anyway…

The plan for today:

I’ve had a few inquiries about my macrame pieces.  I really need to get my site back up and functioning.  I have a feeling I need to transfer everything over to Shopify which is going to be a major headache…but if I can get some sales to cover the overhead…and the fact that I am back in the states so I can drop some of my prices.  The international shipping costs were killing me.  I was basically paying to make pieces sometimes…and obviously that’s poor business, but it did keep my sanity to have projects to do.  I could hang some pieces up in the salon for sale as well.  I need to figure this out today…

I also need to get my computer set up here at home but I just don’t feel like that is going to happen today.  I need to do it on Sunday when the parking in front is free.

It’s cooler outside today and I keep talking about getting the garage done – this will be the plan after I finish my coffee.  It’s really not as exciting though when I can feel like the itch of doing something creative…but once I get it cleaned up and functional, I can do all of my projects in there.  To get it set up before it starts getting super cold…which is just around the corner.  We’ve been really lucky with the weather at this point.

I can’t and shouldn’t really plan for anything else today.  If I get the garage done, I can look at the other things on my to-do list, but right now that needs to take priority!

I realize this time around, my OD has definitely been more for organizing my thoughts and tasks.  Before, it was very much a place that I wrote prose…hopefully I can get deeper in here at some point, this is where I’m at at this point though…


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