Thursday, September 19, 2024

Agh…it’s been a week since I last wrote.  It always happens that way…just the few entries before I said I wanted to write at least once a day *eye roll*.

So, here I am for an update!

My flights went really well, I had initially planned to update during my 5-hour layover but I was able to land in time to run over to the gate where there was an earlier flight (the previous agent in Canada had said that this flight was full) and there were still available seats, so I had a very short wait of about 15 minutes to board AND I got comfort plus seating with no one next to me which meant I could take the window!  That’s something I’ve never really understood – I’ve been on so many flights where people with the window seats close the shade…I take the window because I’m claustrophobic and need to see out.  Anyway…so initially they said my bag would need to be picked up after the later flight arrived because there wasn’t enough time to get it transferred over to the new plane – but the universe had my back and when I landed, my bag was on the plane!  My roommate came and picked me up from the airport about an hour after landing.  I came home and tried to unpack and get everything ready for the wedding hair I had this last weekend.

I ALMOST forgot to mention…I came home after my flight and COULD NOT FIND MY CAT.  She was nowhere in the.  I was rushing to get home to her and came home to her missing…AGAIN.  I was freaking out, checked the cameras and of course, the back door was open ALL NIGHT AGAIN – she was out at 1AM, 3AM, and again at 8AM that morning.  After 3 hours of searching, we found her in the crawlspace underneath the house, it’s full of snakes and it took a lot of coaxing and tuna to get her to come out.  She was filthy.  I was soooo freaking pissed off at my roommate.  This is such an ongoing problem and she is so not phased by any of it.  This is the 3rd time that I’m aware of since I was gone that she has left the back door open all night and my cat being out.  So…in the 3 weeks I’d been gone she was out 3 times in 4 days…because that’s how long the camera was turned back on (the first time that she went missing, that my roommate didn’t tell me about – I wrote about that a couple entries back.)  She turned the cameras off right after I left and then turned them back on a couple days before I got back…so I’m sure my cat was out many, many times because she NEVER shuts the back door.  Ugh.  All that to say, my cat has not left my side since being back…and I’ll never leave or trust her here again.  I shouldn’t have in the first place

Friday – I had the mother of the bride for Saturday for a color at 7am; I had a hair appointment for me at 9 so I was rushing a little bit to get over there.  That all went fine and then I came home and went to bed pretty much.  Traveling takes everything out of me…lack of sleep, stress…all the things.

Saturday – full morning of wedding hair in the hills.  I was up at 4:30 to get ready, left my house at 5:45 and got out to the venue by 6:50.  It was beautiful…I took a picture that I’ll post below.  The sun was just coming up over the hills.

Started setting up at 7 and was ready by 7:15 – all 8 needed to be done by 12:45 and we finished around 12.  It was a really good day and I was really happy about how everything turned out.  I came home after the wedding and just crashed.  My sister was suppose to come over with the kids but she ended up going over to my grandmas because my other sister came to town last minute…which was fine.  I was exhausted and didn’t really feel for that anyway, just a little frustrating because we had been talking about it throughout the week.  My roommate had left Friday night for a camping weekend with her family so I just had the house to myself.

Sunday – I woke up and did a bunch of cleaning and laundry, washed my bedding, put away everything and then my roommate got home around 12 – I had plans to go out to a Chile Festival and so I did that with my sister and neice and then my roommate, another friend, and her sister went out there.  I got some really cute new plants, a tradescantia amber (gifted to me by a friend), spotted leaf begonia (I have one from a cutting that’s doing really well but I love it so much I wanted another one, haha!), two pothos albos – SO PRETTY…they are looking a little bit rough but I am hoping I can revive them!  They sell for double what I got them for so I was really excited.  My sister got one, too.  I plan to put mine together to make a bigger plant.  That reminds me, I need to get some pots, soil, and rotate some of my other ones before the winter season.  I need to do some plant care in general.

Maybe today and tomorrow I’ll work on getting some plant hangers made…and then I’ll venture out and get some pots.

Later Sunday I had planned a birthday party for my roommate.  Her birthday was Saturday but since she was gone, I moved it to Sunday.  We had all of the girls from the salon and just hung out and talked and had a good time.  I made Better Than Sex cake and TOTALLY forgot about it…so we still as of today, Thursday, have half of it in the fridge.  I’m not a big cake eater…but my roommate keeps forgetting to take it to the girls at the salon.  I imagine I’ll throw it out today.

Monday – I started feeling really sick early morning…I had to teach my new class at the school though so I managed through it.  I was in bed by 5:30 and stayed in bed all night.

Tuesday – same thing…still sick, progressively getting worse and just had to make it through the first half of the day.  When I got home, I turned on Netflix…and slept.

Yesterday, Wednesday – STILL sick…but managed to get through my nanoblading appointment.  I cancelled my waxing appointment though.  I met my sister at the salon just to color match her extensions for her appointment.  We went and had a quick lunch and then I came home to get everything ready for my wedding this weekend.  I got all of my makeup kit repacked into my new kit bags and organized my hair kit as well as all of the salon laundry done.  I crashed pretty early…had a rough night, coughing, couldn’t sleep…all of the things.

Which brings me to today!  I had to reschedule both of my clients today…I slept like shit, feeling so sick…and just need to kick this before my wedding this weekend.  Hopefully I can find enough energy to get my laundry done…and get some Vitamin D or something.  I have Breathe and Harvest Spice going int he diffuser so I’m hoping for a miracle turnaround with this cold.  Initially, I thought it was just allergies…but now I think it’s a combination of allergies and a sinus infection.


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