Saturday, September 7, 2024

I didn’t have a chance to write yesterday…we are low on data being at the chalet.

We began working at the house around 8.  We left the chalet around 7:15, went to the hardware store to pick up the wood we needed to build the floor addition on the second level.  My husband had two of his employees helping so I think things went pretty well.  They finished up that job and then my husband and I went and ate lunch.  We decided to go back to the house and start laying everything out with exact measurements.  This way, when I’m not here, he will know where everything needs to go and what needs to be built.  We work very differently in that way, haha.  He’s more of an…eyeball it and figure it out later…where I need to measure the size of our bed and nightstands and then we can decide where the walls need to start and finish.  After we finished doing it though, he understood my crazy.  He knows I’m pretty good at this stuff.

We mapped out our bedroom and the upstairs bathroom, the living area, and the bar.  I took some screenshots of the plan I created to show my mom for a better idea of how the layout looks.  This also helps my brain visualize how everything flows.  We are trying to fit quite a lot of different things into a somewhat small space.  So, it’s been a dream of mine for a really long time to move the laundry into the bathroom so that it’s just more convenient, I’m so excited for that!  Then we have a “toilet room” that I’ve always wanted to have one day.  It blocks the toilet off from our bathroom, but also, when we have guests over they don’t have to walk into our bedroom or our bathroom, it’s completely separate…and we still have private access, too.  The big white part is the bathtub…but I guess because this is the non-paid version of the app it doesn’t load everything correctly…same with the big white box light fixture.  I plan to have a rustic-looking chandelier in there with the mirror being LED lit.

I’m really happy with what we have gotten figured out so far.  We finished with that around 4 and then headed back to the chalet.  We were invited over to friends for a couple drinks, but both my husband and I were too tired and just wanted to eat and relax.

This morning we got up around 6:30 and headed into town.  One of my husband’s friends wanted their hair done for a wedding she was going to, I’ll upload pictures of that after I’m done. We got to her house around 8 and then finished about 9.  I was really happy with how it turned out!  She looks so pretty!  We left and went to eat breakfast…and then he dropped me off at his parents while he runs an errand to one of his employees.  I asked to come here so that I could write and…it’s always taking longer than he says because they get to talking, haha.  So, I have this time to catch up before we start working on the house.

After he picks me up, we’re going to the house to start doubling up the plywood in the girls’ rooms.  Then we will pour a layer of epoxy to seal them.  If we have time he said he may pour a primer also.  Hopefully, we can get all of that done today so that things keep moving with momentum.  Monday/Tuesday he said he wants to start ripping up the main level kitchen and living room floor so that they can pour the cement into the foundation/basement.  I really hope they can get that done so that the floor can get replaced and the electrician can get in there before it starts getting super cold.

We will see!  I’m leaving Thursday…I really wish I didn’t have to but I have 2 weddings that I’m doing hair for this month and then another 3 next month.  The next time I’ll be able to make it back is end of November and the chalet will be closed up for the winter season…until it’s safe to cross the river with the snowmobile…usually around January if there’s a good, cold winter.  I want to be able to come back and stay at the house…even if it’s still bare bones.  It would still be nice to have our privacy and not sleeping with my husband on the floor on a twin mattress, eh.

That’s all I have time for right now…maybe I’ll be able to write a little bit more about the rest of the day tonight after we get finished at the house and my husband does his work on the computer.


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September 7, 2024

What a gorgeous blue/green color and the contrasting white… When I see such smart designs like this it gives me anxiety about decorating. I usually end up living in places that look like an eclectic old witch lived there.

September 8, 2024

@jubaliee I also love that vibe!  This was more for layout purposes…but I had to change the wallcolor because I don’t live white in my spaces…haha I am all about dark and moody!