
So it has been awhile, a long while but here I am.  I’ve just been busy doing to work and driving to and from work.  I have about a 30 minutes drive coming home and about a 20 minutes driving going to work but it all varies and depends on what time I leave, that later I leave the longer it takes both ways 😛

We’re having some money issues but it’s just because we are trying to catch up from the wedding and from me being between jobs for about two weeks.  We’re still trying to pay last months bills.  We’re trying to cath up but we just don’t have the money to right now so we’re trying to get a loan to help us consolidate our debts and just make things better for us.

So aside from that we’re just trying to get things sorted out around the house and trying to figure out a way to get Alaric to Alaska for Christmas.  My sister, Molly, is going to Germany for Christmas so neither of us wanted my parents to have christmas alone.  Granted my oldest sister and her family will be there but they don’t count.  I don’t want to have them mess with the wedding and then have neither my sister or I there to keep them going and helping out with everything.  Molly used miles to get me a ticket to be there for Christmas and now I am trying to figure out a way to get Alaric there because we don’t want to be apart during our first Christmas as a couple.  If Molly was going to be home then we would have staid in our house and had Christmas alone, no families.  Alaric’s Grandma isn’t doing to well right now so it might be better for him to be with his family this year but we really want to be together.

So that is it.  Working, trying to make money.  Trying to be together and making our house better.  Oh and playing with our loving cat and playful dog (He just turned 1 last week).

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Trust me James.. I would if i could.. its not like we live in the same state or anything any more. I would have to fly to California and then not only see you, but go see my brother and his family or I would be dead for not doing so.

October 10, 2007

Aw, happy birthday to your puppy! Good luck with the Christmas plans. You need to update more often.