Funerals in Wuxi and the 6am fireworks

They happen almost daily. Of course, in a city of over 5 million people, that’s to be expected.

They are very different here. I almost never go a day without the 6am fire crackers set off to scare away evil spirits.

The first time I saw a funeral procession, I missed the casket (or there wasn’t want). I just heard and saw a band playing while marching with a group of people and there were flowers. I didn’t know what it was about. I later learned that that day was the Lantern Festival at the end of spring festival, but it turned out not to be related. I thought I saw a morning parade and later used footage of it to teach the word parade in my class only for my TA to end up laughing her ass off and informing me that was a funeral.

Today, was the first time someone near me died. I didn’t know the person, but there was smoke filling up the hallway outside of my apartment door and through the corridor to the stairwell. I was on my way out to go grocery shopping and I thought the place was on fire. I went to the stairwell and saw metal burn pits and barbecue looking bowls which had been being used for burning something. I asked some people I know on WeChat (sent photos) and learned that a Chinese Mage was doing rituals to scare evil spirits away. Someone died. I heard music and a bunch of banging on things (drums, metal objects) and bells ringing. It had been going on for quite awhile but I didn’t pay any mind to it since I’ve become more accustomed to hearing all kinds of things throughout the day. After learning about the mage, I realised that the music wasn’t coming from outside somewhere but from a nearby apartment– one directly below my next door neighbours’ place.

I thought, “Oh. Okay.” Then went back to reading how increasingly fucked up the USA is getting.

A few years ago, if someone had told me that Donald Trump would be president and I would end up living in China and not wanting to go back to live at home, I would not have believed them. I’ll take all the noises and stuff I’m not accustomed to. It’s bad here. I can afford to live at least and most people are friendly. Even as a misophone (diagnosed a couple of years ago) with ADHD (diagnosed in 2014) and with mild to moderate chronic pain, I’m doing okay here.

I imagine there is going to be a lot of noise tomorrow morning. I live on the 20th floor, so I hear a lot of funerals throughout the maze of apartment towers here, but I have yet to have heard one so close as this one will certainly be. If not tomorrow, the next day? I know it’s coming soon. Therefore, I should head to bed now.

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May 30, 2018

That is really fascinating!

June 6, 2018

@thediarymaster Thank you. I guess I should proofread more.  haha. I meant to write, “It’s not bad here (in China).” It’s not great, but it’s not bad.