Monday – May 21st, 2012

I went in to work in fair spirits, having had a modestly productive day in the real world – but it was soon turned into a night filled with preoccupation as my supervisor clued me in to the new round of stupid heading ’round the block, so to speak. I’ll spare you the morbid details – but let’s just say it’s a redux of “fuck with the bartenders by making them essentially pay for the priveledge of having a break, even though we’re not coming out to say that.”  All in the name of supervisor wrangling or something. Might be bull, might not. It’s not like there’s not a trend around here of swatting flies with sledgehammers.

Anyway.  It was fairly dead.. up until I went to dinner.


Then it perked up, and the dozen tour busses outside finally began to reflect on our population somewhat.

So I made the best of it, kept folks happy (including a table of guys just insistent on having their stuff brought to them rather than coming to the bar) – but you know what? I wasn’t -that- damned busy, and they were throwing me $2 every time I just walked across the damned room, so. .hell. Why the fuck not.  “Guest Service” = “Tip Box Service.”  Yo.

Anyone fussing at me will get that response too, so.. -shrug-

Fuckit. Whatever.

The night passed all right, though. Our beer specials were finally back, which was nice.

Watched the wrasslin’. Etc.

By the time the night was over, I was pretty tired, a lot of it just from kicking around things in my head.  Apparently a thought that was floated in lieu of the above, was bringing a second barkeep in on the slow early week nights so that we could just break one another or something.  And then only make half the cash. Told my supervisor there were very few things that would make me quit on the spot, but that’s one of them. Let’s hope they listen.


Closing Observations :

  • It’s not often I get to watch a woman pick up a guy in the bar. I usually see it the other way around.  Entertaining, though.
  • Every so often I wish we could drink on the job. This was definitely one of those nights.


Next up : Tuesday night


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