Islam a peaceful religion? I think not~

I would first like to say: I’m not given to stirring up controversy.  When I write about politics, generally, I’m only interested in sharing with a few people who happen to read me. But more than likely, because of the title of my entry, more diarists will read this entry and make a comment on it. I’m a tolerant person: yes I am, to those who have never read me before this entry.  I’m wondering how tolerant YOU are, after reading my entry title. *smiles*  Feel free to speak your mind. But I don’t argue politics or religion. In this politically correct age that we live in, it’s not easy to talk about Islam in a public forum. Why?  Many reasons. One is that the majority of Americans don’t comprehend what Muslims believe.  There are just so many contradictions and provocations within Islam for many of us to understand their religion.  Americans are as tolerant as anyone in the world: that’s why millions and millions of people still seek to come here, to be free!  To say that there is a rise in anti-Muslim is misleading and manipulative.  I think that certain Muslims leaders are trying to manipulate their fellow brother and sister Muslims into believing that this is a rise in anti-Islam.  I also believe that the guy who is seeking funding overseas to build the mosque that will overshadow the sacred graveland of the Twin Towers, is also manipulating people into believing that there is a rise in anti-Muslim.  The guy who calls himself a Imam, also said that 9-11 was a plot by our government so that ‘they’ could blame Muslim terrorists for destroying the Twin Towers.  He also has said that our government has more Muslim blood on our hands, than the Muslim terrorists do.  In my mind, nothing further needs to be known about this guy!  One thing that I don’t understand: why aren’t Muslims speaking out against this lunatic?  Do they agree with him?  Are they afraid to speak out?  It seems that the great majority of Muslims in N.Y. city didn’t agree with what that lunatic said about building a mosque over a sacred graveland.  But now that Muslims have been stirred up to believe that there is a rise of anti-Muslim across the country, many Muslims in N.Y. city are changing their minds, and incorrectly believing that since their faith is now under attack, they see no reason why there shouldn’t be a mosque there.  Manipulation…pure & simple.  The issue isn’t not about religion.  It’s isn’t about having a constutional right to build any kind of building they choose to build on that site.   It’s about decency…respect…sensitivity!
 America is a Christian nation, because it was founded on Christian principles and values.  The liberal media would not want you to believe that; or they were say that many of our founders were Masons or deists.  Why do they emphasize the idea that some of our founders were Masons or deists?  Because they don’t like the idea of our country being founded on Christianity.  But, the overwhelming majority of people in this country are Christians.  And we all like being a Christian country!  Some Christians may not be so respecful of others.  But for the most part, we respect whatever people chooses to believe or worship, or even if they choose not to worship God.  It truly makes no difference to us, in the sense that we are all Americans. So why have phony polls suggesting that there is a rise in tensions between different groups of Americans? The tensions that exist in this country are when people don’t respect our fellow Americans.  My feeling is: that so-called Imam has no respect for Americans or any respect for this country; else he wouldn’t have suggeted building a Mosque in the place that caused such devastation…and whose effect are still being greatly felt, today.  What kind of person  wishes to inflame emotions and gets our country into such a tumult over an issue like this one?  We have 70-80% of people that are disagreeing with building a Mosque on sacred ground, and the Iman says that he had no clue that he would cause such a division among us Americans; that just isn’t credible, what he says.
Since 9-11, 2001, I have tried to understand what a moderate Muslim is.  I have come to the conclusion that the term, moderate Muslim, is a contradiction in terms.  Before YOU go jumping to conclusions, let me explain myself in the following manner…I happen to be a Roman Catholic.  I also happen to be a Conservative.  But I do not consider myself a conservative Roman Catholic.  Why? Because to be a Roman Catholic has nothing at all to do with politics!  ‘It’ has to do with religion. It has to do with relationship with the Lord.  To be a Roman Catholics means that one adheres to all(or the great majority of teachings) of the Church’s teachings in accepting their doctrines and tradition. (tradition is used in the Roman Catholic church as referring to the early writings of the Church Fathers, that are said to be inspired of God.  They aren’t some haphazard teachings that are taught by man.  We believe that tradition are teachings that should be accepted as teachings from God)   If one doesn’t adhere to the Roman Catholic Church’s teachings, they aren’t a faithful Catholic. So political labels don’t define the Roman Catholic Church, at all. Many people will still call themselves a liberal Catholic or a conservative Catholic, but strictly speaking: those are inaccurate statments.  Now, there are many people in this country that makes all sorts of derogatory attacks against Catholicism, even calling ‘us’ a tool of Satan.  I don’t take that as a personal attack, though.  They’re just excercising their freedom of expression. I can seperate the thoughts that some people feel that my religion is not from God, but they will still respect me or any Catholic, as a person. The idea is similiar to, love the sinner, but hate the sin. It’s all about respect for others.
  Now, I understand that traditional Muslims don’t seperate church and state.  But those who call themselves, moderate Muslims, would seperate church from state. So the term, moderate, is inaccurate in describing their spiritual side of them. Like the Roman Catholic, there is really no such thing as conservative Islam, or liberal Islam or moderate Isalm..or that’s how I would think.  The Koran is said to be inspired words from God.  God is beyond all poltical labels.  But, I understand what ‘they’ are saying: that they would reject sharia law as not something that they wish to see, which says that Islam should inflict the death penalty for cases like drinking alcohol, pre-martial sex, adultery.. And the moderate Muslims wants to most ofall seperate themselves from the traditional Muslims that feel that Islam should conquer the world; if necessary, conquer it by the sword, if people don’t wish to be converted or become slaves; that ‘they’ wish to seperate themselves from the radical terroists.  But to be a Muslim is to accept the Koran as your guide/authority over one’s spiritual life.  Actually, to accept the Koran is to allow the Koran to guide your political life as well. Because, again: this is no seperation in Isalm according to the Koran, between politics and religion.  So the moderate Muslim rejects MANY of the teaching by Mohammed: there’s where my problem lies!
How does one accept Mohammed as a prophet, and yet reject much of his teachings?  In what other religion do we regard one as a prophet, as one sent from God, and subsequently reject their teachings?  How is it possible to reject what a prophet teaches? (a true prophet is relaying God’s word to his people) If we reject a prophet, are we not rejecting God, who sent us that prophet?  And although the Koran is open to interpretation in many passages, all we have to do to judge whether the Koran is from God, (is from a true prophet of God) is look at the kind of life that Mohammed led.  He married a girl who was six years old.  He then have intercourse with her at nine years old. His army proceeded to wipe off the face of the map all Jews & Christians in the Arabian Peninsala.  He promoted hatred, brutality, and killing or enslaving all those who didn’t agree with his creed. Those idea aren’t from God; therefore a true prophet wouldn’t utter such things. And because Mohammed felt that his mandate for war was from God, we can say what we want about the inspiring, or beautiful thoughts in the Koran, Mohammed turned to war to solve his problems. And therefore Islam cannot be called a religion of peace.  To see futher proof of that statement, look around the world.  Most present day wars have Muslims fighting either against their fellow Muslims (It is true that more Muslims die at the hands of their own fellow Muslims, than die from any other non-Muslim group)  or against non-Muslims. Just because we are told over and over again to ad nausea: Islam is a beautiful religion, we can choose to allow our own ears to hear and our eyes to see an ugliness, a destruction, that is not beautiful, that is originating from Muslims who adhere to the Koran.  Even within my own Catholic Church, I’m told that Islam is a peaceful religion.  I choose not to believe that.  There may be much beauty within Islam. It may provide a Muslim with much peace.  He or she may een feel closer to God, thru the practice of Islam.  I won’t dispute any of that.  But I will dispute that it is a religion of peace for an untold number of people around the world who have been killed, and are being killed in the name of Allah.
But the moderate Muslim must reject the kind of ideas that Mohammed offered as coming from God.  The moderate Muslim who lives in the Western culture would say that he or she seeks peace; they seek to live in a democracy where they can reap the fruits of their labor; they want to bring up their family like the rest of Americans, send them to colleges and become a finanical success. They want to live under a justice system that is humane. They love their fellow ‘man.’  They are tolerant.  But they also accept the Koran as divinely inspired. I can only wonder if it is possible for such a immoral person as Mohammed was to be spoken to be an angel, and given all sorts of incredible revelations of God?  Anything is possible; is it likely: no.  But we are also told: there is much beauty in the Koran!  Good.  Praise God for that.  God rains on the good and the bad. Maybe we can take all the beauty out of the book and start anew…but I don’t think that that approach is possible, for the words of the Koran are inspired by God, we are told. Surely traditional Muslims will say: how can you say some words given by the angel to Mohammed weren’t inspried, while others were inspired?
I can analyze the situation about Islam, over and over.  And I’m still left with an umcomfortableness in my spirit.  For if even the ones that call themselves, moderate Muslims, accept the Koran to a guide of their daily spiritual life, maybe one day they will agree with one of Mohammed’s creeds that justify:
conflict that is legitimately defensive or defensive in the way Osama bin Laden did on 9/11
America can’t live in fear; and we won’t. (unless its fear of our own government *smiles*)  But many of us will be uncomfy with ideas like moderate Muslims changing their minds about building a Mosque on sacred ground.  Their initial reactions were like most Americans: they were horrified at such insensivity to fellow Americans!  And yet, they put aside their sensitivity, and started thinking of themselves; thinking of their religion! What does that say….How many other events in the future will moderate Muslims forego doing/thinking what is right, and thinking of taking care of themselves at the expense of their fellow Americans?
Again, I will repeat, I truly don’t think that anti-Muslim is on the rise in America. Oh, when events like building a Mosque near Ground Zero arises, people will get very emotional, understandedly.  And they may say and perhaps do regrettable things, especially if a Mosque actually gets built on that site. I don’t think that N.Y. city is going down without a fight, right Sue? *smiles*  But for any non-American who is reading this entry, we will truly fight for any American’s right, regardless of their religion, race or creed.  Oh, there will always be jerks that won’t stand up for anyone but themselves; but thank God that they are a miniority in America!  But, most Americans do not wish to sign our own death warrant!  We don’t wish to become so desensitized to people’s sufferings, that we will do what is politically expedient, at the expense of what is the compassionate thing to do!
Peace!  *smiles*

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September 19, 2010

My take on why muslims don’t speak out against Imam is mixed with fear and possibly knowing if they sit long enough Americans will begin to attack each other just for the sake of controversy. In which we do, and have! Why are we even in a fight over muslims rights in America? It does stem around decency, respect, & sensitivity Bri and if being anti-muslim means keeping those core values then I say

September 19, 2010

slide over and save me a seat on that bus. 🙂

Very well put. I think the reason that the so called moderate Muslim cannot speak again what is happening is because it would probably be a death sentence for them. They are taught they can lie to the infidel and so even if you think they are your friend they may not be.

September 20, 2010

I did not know that this iman guy is saying 9-11 was a plot by our government. And to think they are saying this so we can blame Muslim terrorists for destroying the Twin Towers.I wonder why after that statement our government is even concidering this Mosque to be built in NY. And yes Bri we will fight to the end to have this mosque built somewhere else. I hope and pray we win. I agree with the other noters about why Muslims don’t speak out because they are afraid and fear for their own lives. Hopefully if we get a new president things will change.

September 21, 2010

Is Islam a peaceful religion? The answer to that is shown by their actions. We just have to see the fruit around us. Action speaks louder than beautiful words. Let us not kid ourselves…when they have the opportunity to carry out their hidden agenda, they make full use of it. Bri, I have given you many examples in the past how even some of my own family members were oppressed and made to submit/embrace their religion. But in His justice, God always comes to the rescue as in the case of my late father who was islamised 2x and 8 days before he died, he asked to be baptised and was baptised Christian. 🙂

There are radicals everywhere in life. Like my math teacher use to point out, for a truer statistical picture of the situation throw out the extreme elements of your sample and you’ll have a better grouping with which to work. It is my opinion that Islam is a peaceful religion. Mutual respect and peaceful coexistence can be achieved through the practice of tolerance. As Christ taught us,We must learn to turn the other cheek.

September 26, 2010

RYN: *lol* Bri, I would love to tell you I got lost while having lunch in Paris, in which case I assure you that is highly possible. Well, not being in Paris but getting lost that is. *lol* I normally shy away from large groups Bri but I have joined the ranks of over 500 million facebook users and now you can find me happily harvesting, planting or plotting my next move. *lol* (((Thank-you)))

September 26, 2010

for the birthday wishes, and regardless the need to remind the fam on how lucky they are to have me it was happy and I was/am truly blessed. Even if I do live in Florida where there is no fall! *waaaaaaaaaa* *runs off singing, the wheels on the bus go round and round*

RYN thanks much. Thanks for the site. I am looking through it now. Appreciated.

Yes, no one is to blame, and we should bring some more awareness to the community, that is what eventually stops suicide. People , old and young, need to know that they can talk about their feelings instead of hiding them. Once people are talking about it, this is the first step to helping themselves stay healthy.

November 7, 2010

RYN: So, you saying that now on FB: you are just another pretty face among a sea of humanity~ I’d have to say I prefer the grass rustled with animal life more so than swimming in that sea of humanity Bri. *lol*

November 8, 2010

RYN That Jet game was a nail biter. We really thought that blew it.. To win in overtime was unbelievable. We owe that win to the kicker. He tied it for them and won it for them… They are giving Bob gray hair…lol I canceled the appt with the neorologist because what the reg doctor did helped.. I agree. These specialist are names that just are able to charge more money… Oh sorry about your Pats… Jets are now tied with them…

November 10, 2010


November 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Bri… Hope this brings you smile. Peace and blessings.

November 10, 2010

I’ve seen horror & violence in the eyes of many people with different religion … But it was the HUMAN themselves have to know of what to decide either to do what is right and what is good for them and for their fellow EARTHLING. That what we do everyday and decide inside our head & heart will show you personally what kind of person you are … Either you chose to be the evil one or the good one.

November 10, 2010

Truthfully saying until now where I came from (Malaysia) we still live in peace & harmony with the Muslim people. I consider the Malaysian Muslims are very modern and up-to-date sort of people – probably where we came from make it also a difference of how and where you grew up and being educated throughout your life.

November 10, 2010

Those who came from the Middle East … sorry to say that most of them are conservative and living in a horrible place where mostly were killed, tortured and manipulated mentally the whole of their lives … I really pity these people and that as if the LORD is not there for them and leaving them ROT in such a place of darkness & death … No wonder they became as evil as the place itself …

November 10, 2010

We only do hope that until now we all live in PEACE & HARMONY … So, there is always love somewhere and angels watching and JESUS living in the very heart of HIS BELIEVERS & CHILDREN. :O)

November 10, 2010

And thank you for passing by and congratulating me … I come back here when I really settle down – now I am passing by at everyone’s diary to greet them all! GOD BLESS U, my friend! And my late Happy Birthday greetings! :O)

November 10, 2010

We are going to the in laws house. Its on our block so we can walk there. We all bring something. We are bringing the wine to pies and and Shrimp with contail sause for hordervs. We eat all day there. Have fun with your sister. I remember that house. It was beautiful To bad your mom doesn’t want to go there. Its nice

Such a thought provoking entry. In Australia we have had Muslims in our midst a long time. It is only since the refugees arrived here from the middle eastern wars that we have even noticed them in our midst. I think they are now more radical than they have ever been. I dislike their intolerance for anything Christian. I fear for the future of their input into politics here. They marginolize people and we now have race based gang wars wich we rarely had. It is most definately not a peaceful religion. It is a travesty of what we know to be the truth. However I do feel sorry for Muslim families who has been around here for a few generations and until now never felt intolerance toward them. Thanks to the fanatical sharia law driven group, nice families like them now suffer from a lot of people, bigotry and racism. And sometimes from other fanatical Muslims. Crazy stuff. Muslims were to blame for 911 and they hate it. Even to point of blaming jews and amercans themselves. But their faith is on the rise in big numbers.I think all western governments should take a long hard look at just what Muslim Clerics are teaching their devotees.

November 13, 2010

Jesus once said … “Why do you hurt me?” THAT … HE asked PAUL of why is he hurting JESUS through HIS followers and believers … Many were killed … But then why this JESUS HATER became the BEST APOSTLE of ALL TIME? … Consider that a GREAT MIRACLE of how JESUS came and touched you … :O) So, we pray that the same would do IN JESUS NAME for all who HATED JESUS …

November 13, 2010

And U know what I’m talking about … :O) WISH U A NICE WEEKEND, Bri! *and hugs*

November 17, 2010

Congratulations on your pats win even though it makes them tied I really don’t follow any other teams except jets giants and pats. But my son said something about that vickers or the name you mentioned. The Jets are giving my husband alot of gray

Agreed. America is a CHRISTIAN nation, and always will be.

2. See that’s the difference between a Christian nation and an muslim nation. In a Christian nation, there is room for all religions, all faiths, for all law-abiding citizens. In a muslim nation, there is room only for muslims. America IS a Christian nation.

Check this very interesting link. If you watch the entire video,you may be amazed or not.