Peaceful Day

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I went to Bible Study at the church this morning and it was really great. All the people were older than me, though, which is quite unusual for me. It’s not too easy to find a group where everybody is older than me any more seeing as I’m 51. But I like it, it’s nice to be the youthful one in the crowd for a change. It was a great study on Cain and Abel. It’s funny how you can think you know something so well and then somebody can present it to you and really dig and you see whole new aspects of it that you never realized before. I think I’m going to REALLY enjoy this group and get a WHOLE lot out of it.

One thing that stood out to me when I was there was that the whole world doesn’t revolve around me… surprise surprise. Something that happens when I have too many days off and am alone is that I get to thinking that it’s all about me. Once I get around people again I get swept out of myself and into other people’s worlds. It was so great to get out of myself and my issues and listen to other people and think about THEM instead of me and MY world, etc. This group of old-timers had been with the church for decades. Two of the ladies were in their nineties and had been born and raised into this church!! A road nearby was named for their family. They were both quite proud of it. I realized that it gave them great satisfaction to tell me about their importance and history with the church and with this part of our town and that, in some respects, I was being allowed to enter this mini-culture and should be considered privileged really. The hour long study was quite good for me.

After that I went to work for a few hours and caught up on some stuff, then grocery shopping, then I went to hand bell practice. I have joined the “hand bell choir” at church. It is kind of cool. We’ll see how well I do.

Home to bake meatloaf while we watched Life As We Know It (great show – I would recommend this and Lost to anybody!) Then, blessedly, into OD to catch up with all my wonderful favorites. I love OD time of day. I had written my entry before I went to Bible study this morning. It was fun to come home and see all the notes. 

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January 13, 2005

sounds like a great group! you’re right…it’s so easy to become self-absorbed. ugh.

January 13, 2005

What a busy but fulfilling day for you. I’m 51 too and it’s seldom that someone at our age is the young one in the crowd…kinda nice for a change..huh? Thanks for your last note about my FIL. Somehow I just feel like I should have handled all that better than I did but your note made me realize I did the best I could under the circumstances. Hugs~

ryn: Sorry Eryssa, you are quite right: Marion first took her (one and only, as far as I know) lover in 2001. I have amended my entry accordingly. You should be writing this diary for me!! I didn’t like to bring up the suicide business with Ida in M’s presence. I did talk about it with the psychologist yesterday however, who insists that I tell Ida. So you were right again!

January 14, 2005

Haha Eryssa you loser. Factor in what the American dollar is worth compared to the Australian dollar and I’d say we’ve given about the same. When I read about you giving I felt guilty I hadn’t given yet actually, and then when they did the big appeal on TV I SMSed $2 just to feel part of it, even though I knew I’d donate! Crazy stuff. So, yes, you beat me, and monetarily too! You win! lol

January 14, 2005

I like this entry. While I’m a Christian, I don’t go to church. Actually, that can be one of my new things. See I’ve decided I’m going to do three new things when I get back to Brisbane to start second year uni. Going to church will be one. Yay! 🙂 We have a chapel at our college. Hmm. Anyway. I like the study group thing. The person who administers our chapel has actually warned me away from

January 14, 2005

the youth study group at my college because they are so .. gah, what’s the word? You know, literal interpreters? Sorry if you are one 🙂 Apparently they take it to new extremes, though, and go on recruiting missions. Church sounds like… community, though. I like that, but I think I’d also like the anonymity of turning up by myself to a big city church. Anyway, I like this entry.