Old OD
I came across some old OD entries in my Google drive. They were from way back in 2004. In one of them, I had recommended actors to play the parts of various favorites, OD friends I had. A few of my OD friends are still actually friends in FB, but most I have no idea what became of them. I also didn’t remember their exact OD names. It was pretty cool to find this one entry. I searched in this OD to see if any were still here. Most weren’t, but I did find “Margaret,” who was to be played by Susan Sarandon, according to my diary entry of the time. Her partner was “Parker,” I deemed to be played by Robert Duvall. Lo and behold, I found Margaret in here and figure it’s the same Margaret since she seems to have a partner named Parker They are the only two I found, however.
There was a woman by the “name” of Lace ‘n Jeans. I would have really liked to find her. She had been married to a dentist, I think it was, and they got a divorce during her time in OD. She began to take ballroom dancing lessons and got quite good at it. I always wondered what became of her. She was so incredibly sweet and he was rather a dog. I actually met him through his OD because he left some sort of flirtatious notes in my diary as I frequently talked about sex, in a very frank manner. He made her so miserable. I hope things turned out well for her and that she found a man who appreciated her great qualities.
Other important people to me in here included several high school girls who now have grown up and have babies and/or careers. I know them on FB. I feel very maternal toward them LOL, like an aunt or something. It’s funny.