Happiness is…
Dandelion Tea made a post of a short list of Happiness is… things (an idea she had gotten from Percival, I think). I was going to do an old mopey post, but I think I’ll do the happiness list instead.
Like Dandelion Tea, I’ll have to start with that first morning sip of coffee… that IS pure happiness, and like I put in a note on her entry, I love the sound of the birds in the morning.
Happiness is hearing my children (all adults now) laughing and talking in the kitchen on the holidays.
Happiness is learning with my granddaughters when I’m homeschooling them.
Happiness is sitting on the couch with my dog cuddled in my lap and watching TV.
Happiness is when someone reads my writing (books, fanfic, this).
Happiness is my husband’s smile when he wakes up, gets home from work, comes out of his office during the day.
Happiness is feeling the sun in my face or, when it’s warm out, on my skin.
Actually, a lot of things make me happy. I just skimmed the cream off the top
Looks good. I think I’ll try it.
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