For the Ladies Only…. UPDATED!!
Okay… I certainly think this is sexist, and I certainly would
not want to propgate (is that the right word… did I spell it
correctly? Did I even USE it correctly?) this sexist (or reverse
sexist) behavior, but we really need to lighten up in here and have
some fun, so I decided to host a brief “beauty contest” for us ladies
to enjoy. I hand picked the candidates with the exception of one
who was selected by one of my favorite diarists (which was also what
gave me the idea for said contest). So here are the contenders:
Beauty Contest
Carlos Bernard
You may also know him as Tony Almeda on 24. I think he has the cutest chin and also
going-on eyes. He is my flavor of the week.
Jude Law
Oh man, does ANYONE have eyes quite like his? And that mouth… *sigh*
Naveen Andrews
He plays Sayid on Lost. If you gotta crash into some monster ridden desert island,
could it be ALL bad if you ended up staring into THIS face every day?
Rahul Khanna
No, you probably don’t know him (unless you’re into Bollywood movies) but you should.
This guy is HOT! Check out a movie entitled Earth, directed by Deepak Chopra. Not
only is it an excellent flick, but you’ll fall in love with his character when
you watch it.
One of my favorite diarists is a big fan of this popular radio personality. Now I’ve
gotta admit he’s really not MY cup of tea, but what do I know… I’m too busy gaping
at the guys I’ve already listed.
Will the REAL Chunga please stand up! And I believe this may be HIM!
And he’s not really my cup of tea either, but he’s more my cup of tea
than the mystery guy above. The guy with the do-rag really looks like
trouble. LOL Oh well, he must be SOMEBODY’S Chunga!
Okay… Now it’s YOUR turn… select one of the above then, if you
like, leave your vote/comments in a note. And/Or nominate someone I
haven’t even mentioned here and continue to brighten an already bright
AND WHERE IS ANTONIO BANDERAS?????? If those are the ONLY options, Id have to go for Jude Law!
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ya, Saheed is a good reason to watch LOST.
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it must be the eyes. They all speak to me
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Of course they aren’t actually seeing ME so I’m probably hearing a message for someone else.
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I pick Carlos Bernard… I think he is the most attractive of the choices.
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this was a nice entry. =) Liz
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I must confess that i didn’t recognize any of these by name or photo. gulp. Until I read that the top guy is on 24 and i do remember seeing him the couple of times that i’ve watched it. and it stayed in my memory bank
he’s a cutie. ryn: yeah, i love them, too! you’ll have to get her the stuffed animal version 
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I like Tony from 24. He gets MY vote.
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Uh…mom??? that isn’t Chunga!!! Guess what, I stayed home tonight:) Now, back to chunga…who IS that man?? Roflmao…ohhh man, that has me laughing SO damn hard. whooo… lol…oh this just made my night…I’m going to go look again at this list again.
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NONE!!! they r all ugly
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Lol…THAT’s MY CHUNGA!!! Wooo…what a good laugh I’m having over this! There is my vote..Chunga..though the indian guy is hot too…But I like a big squishy man:)
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Where is my darling VIN DIESEL????????? Now you know that is my pick of alllllllllllll men (next to my hubby of course:-)
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I’m taking Carlos Bernard for the Evening IF you don’t MIND? ROFL. Yeah, send him to ME when you are done with him ok Lu?
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i like..correction….LOVE will smith!!!
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AND WERE IS ORLANDO BLOOM AND JOHNY DEP AND ALL OF THEM!! OH DEAR UVE MISSED ALOT OF PEOPL. now hers the main piont i ahve a friend on open diary i met her here her name is tainted dukie and if u have te time id like u to read the entry 126 plese. she realy needs help and yr the first person i thought of. she needs u mroe than me even though i still want ur help to. plz. i beg! love zoe xxxxxxxxx
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I ran into Naveen Andrews at a restaurant here in Hawaii. They were on break from filming. Too bad I didn’t have my camera with me that day. =(
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i would say jude law
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