Boo Radley
Im doing nothing
absolutely nothing at this point. She
called but they had a lot of trouble getting her blood this morning so
by the time they took the test they were three hours behind schedule.
is God just toying with us?? Probably. But maybe that means
itll be good news
like when somebody has a good present for you and
teases you a lot first before giving it to you
lets hope so.
spent a lot of the morning writing, but now I am paralyzed. I havent
cleaned or done anything productive on this wonderful day off. I am so
ashamed of myself, so Im not even being emotionally correct either.
I would be thumping my fingers on the desk right now as I
wait nervously, only Im using a laptop so theres no desk to thump
them on. Instead Im sort of chewing on my acrylic thumb nail
picture, isnt it?
Meanwhile, my husband has given me the task
of going to my sister-in-laws house to find out why shes not
answering her phone. My sister-in-law, her husband, their daughter, and
his mom all live together in a townhouse a few miles away from us.
Oddly enough, we see them very rarely. They are sort of strange people.
They find it difficult I think to socialize although they always seem
to have fun when we get together. Their baby daughter has some
developmental problems. Im not sure whether these are due to physical
or emotional reasons or both but she is getting help from the town they
live in. She goes to a town-sponsored pre-school and gets play therapy
of some sort. Anyway, its not unusual to get their answering machine
every time we call, and to have to talk for long stretches before they
pick up or even have them not pick up at all, but we are not used to
getting no answer whatsoever. My husband has been trying them for about
a week only to yield nothing. My sister-in-laws husband manages a
restaurant so Im sure that theyd have called the police if he was a
no-show for a week or something, but it is a little nerve-wracking to
not be able to get anyone over there. They dont usually leave the
house much except for him, so its hard to figure out whats going on
unless they dont realize their phones not working right which is
quite possible. Its not like Im related to Boo Radley or anything
(some of you will know who he is) but they arent as extroverted as
many families are.
Anyway, I was going to go over there AFTER I
heard from Hopeful1 (an especially apt moniker today), now I dont know
how long its going to take before I hear anything. I guess I may just
have to drive over there being jittery and nervous.
Maybe just a problem with the phone lines. I hope.
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Fingers and toes both crossed and prayers are up!
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I just got home from the mall and ran up to my computer to check and see if you heard yet. I’m anxious now too. Keeping the prayers going! Hugs~
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lol…Boo Radley… that takes me back to high school english class! You need to calm down. Go and get a big glass of water, have a gulp, lay down on your back, close your eyes and focus on what is real. Whatever happens with your daughter it is in God’s control.. pray for His Will..that in a sense should give you much comfort. As for your sister in law… make sure you go with a smile 🙂
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