Another 1999 Entry (Valentine’s Day)
Valentine’s Day
I had the pleasure of joining my little boy’s class for their Valentine’s Day party today. I felt awkward at first, tripping into the room with my arms full of cupcakes and wondering if all the kids thought I was weird. I’ve always been a little afraid of kids, they’re so honest and won’t pretend they like you when they don’t.
The party was fun and my son was the first to win at bingo which may sound goofy, but just sort of capped the experience. I ended up being the ‘garbage lady,’ holding the garbage bag so that the kids could clean up their stuff. As I loosened up I found myself goofing around with them… “I’m a hungry garbage bag and you’d better fill me up or I’ll have to take one of you students instead!” They laughed and joined in the game gathering lots of party residue and feeding the bag quickly.
I’ve never considered myself ‘good with kids,’ except my own… but all of the sudden they seem kind of interesting and fun. I’ve been on a few field trips with the class and was always impressed at how smart and friendly they are, but I’m really begining to enjoy it now too!