The 40 Hour Famine

This weekend, I participated in a charity fundraiser called the 40 Hour Famine. At first, I wanted to give up food because it was the original idea of the fundraiser until people began giving up other things. Mom, however, wouldn’t hear of it and wouldn’t sign my permission form unless I changed it. So, I signed up to give up electronics (ie: iPod Touch, computer, TV, stereo, etc…). I started at 8 pm on Friday and finished it today at noon. Funnily enough, the most difficult part wasn’t the fact that I couldn’t talk to Aaron or Morgan; I missed music and movies the most. It felt so quiet on Saturday; I was home alone with nothing to fill the void with. I barely did any work; I couldn’t focus without music. So, I ended up re-reading HP4: The Goblet of Fire, which I found incredibly enjoyable. It was good to relive the story again.

When I got home today, I counted up the sponsorships I’d received. Overall, I raised $125 ($25 over my target) and this doesn’t count the $5 Ms. Perfect owes me and the $20 between Mom and James. I haven’t even checked my online Famine Profile yet. I feel empowered; It feels so good to make a difference. I really hope the money I raised is put to good use.

Peace and love,


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August 21, 2011

Wow! Well done! That’s really great! I can’t imagine how I would fill the day if I couldn’t use any electronics xx

August 21, 2011

Thanks for the note 🙂 anyway…i’m 19… :S