June 23, 1993

June 23, 1993


2:00 pm


My dearest brought me home a card this morning, and it was really sweet. He said he loved me, and he couldn’t have picked a better mother for his his child. Sweet, eh?


June 24, 1993


9:12 am


You’ll never guess what my husband said to me yesterday. He said he had a surprise for me, and we got in the car and went over to the animal shelter – it was closed – but he said he had been thinking, and he wanted to get me a kitten! Holy Moly! You have to understand that Kevin hates, LOATHES cats. He told me "no" whenever I said I wanted a cat, so I gave up, because being pregnant stops me from keeping a litter-box clean – so I didn’t want to keep the cat outside, because all cats get run over out on this country road. Well yesterday, K said that he wanted me to have company at night, and he will keep the litter-box clean until after Aaron is born, then it becomes my responsibility. So, today we are going to look at cats at the animal shelter.


June 29, 1993


12:00 noon


Hey! I got my kitten! She’s all black, with silver specks that show depending on how you pet her. Her name is "Midnight", but Kevin nicknamed her "Mindy". She’s a really good cat, but she has a cold. (I’m afraid if I get really CLOSE to her, she’ll die on me.) But, I already love her, because she is MY kitten. She follows me around the house, cries when she can’t find me, and cuddles with me at night. I’ve grown attached to her. It’s been hitting home that soon I’m gonna have a baby! It almost fills me with a dread. A sense of, almost, suffocation. I see all of these baby clothes and tiny outfits and I have a feeling that I can’t wait until I have a little human being to put those clothes on. And I can almost see me and Kevin toting around a little cherub. But sometimes I feel that DREAD. A lot of apprehension has to do with delivery–but I have NO idea how I’m gonna be as a parent!

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