1:20 pm
Our day was glorious yesterday! We had a picnic on the boat launch beside the park entrance before we went into Peaks-Kenney. We actually had the entire place to ourselves! We walked almost 4 miles, with Aaron in his stroller, and just talked, and enjoyed the day. When we got back to the beach, while the baby was having his bottle, Kevin and I took our shoes off, and walked in the sand, and stood in the water until it made our feet ache.
We sat up on the beach for awhile, while Aaron inspected the grass – at least this summer he will be able to "enjoy + observe" things. Last summer Kevin + I used to talk all the time about what we were gonna do with the baby after he was born.
After we got home, Kevin planted some marigolds and some gladiolis that we had picked up at Reny’s:
Kevin has been landscaping the front of the trailor. He tore up the ramp that had been starting to rot, and built another set of stairs to replace it–last night I painted the first coat of gray paint on the steps, and rails that were previously white, (but Kevin + I discussed it, and we decided we’d like them better as all gray).
Since I’m getting such a feeling of pride about the outside, I wanted to feel the same about the inside, so I changed the kitchen around, and I cleaned the kitchen + bedroom, and Kevin vacuumed the house.
Same Day:Same Place
8:35 pm
I told Trudy that I was reading this book called "Perfect Victim" as a way of testing myself + my strength. I finished the book this morning at work, and it was so sensational – yet shocking! It really got me thinking – and in relation to "ME" all I thought was, "shit, my story is nothing compared to hers!" But I also understood why she did some of the things that she did. But I really couldn’t even begin to imagine how she endured it! Colleen Stan was a SURVIVOR! and while I could identify with some things, there were some things I couldn’t, and I really felt for her. Didn’t drudge up any memories, except it made me realize that my life had some really good events, and not all bad. So, where do we go from here? ONWARD.
I’ve been looking toward some new things, summer with my family, saving up enough money for 3 important things—–
1.) a new bed, because we need a bigger bed
2.) an oak table, because ours is a piece of shit that is falling apart
3.) a peek-a-poo.
That’s the breed of dog that I want, and people are asking as much as $175-$200! But they don’t get really big, and they are great "lap" dogs. I will take full responsibility of training, feeding, and general fishing care. I really want a white one, but I’ll settle for another color. A female. And her name is going to be Deena. (If I wind up with a male I will name him Deeno). But I will have the puppy registered, neutered, and licensed. No suprise puppies!
Kevin & I talked yesterday about having another child. After Aaron is toilet-trained, I’d be willing to discuss it seriously.