Right Now

current book: 
The Art of Happiness

current music:
Owl City and Paramore

current shame-inducing guilty pleasure:
Downloading things on iTunes

current colors:

current fetish:
Renting DVD’s at RedBox

current drink:
1 Tbsp. ACV, 1 tsp. lemon juice, honey to taste, in 8 oz. warm water. Cold killer.

current songs:
Airplanes – B.o.B. feat. Hayley Williams

current movie:
Inglorious Basterds

current wish-list:
A clean and organized apartment!

current needs:
To write thank you notes to all the parents and coworkers who made my last day awesome

current triumph(s):
Going out on a high note

current bane(s) of my existence:
My messy and unorganized apartment

current indulgence:

My new printer. Could have gotten one model lower, but couldn’t resist the large clear touchscreen and all the photo-printing goodness

current blessing:
A week to get myself psyched up for this move and spend time doing things I actually want to do.

current celebrity crush:

Justin Long and Johnny Depp (always)

current slang or saying:
That’s what I hear (my response to everyone telling me that Colorado Springs in beautiful)

current outfit:
Alan’s Ernie Ball Slinky t-shirt and striped knee-length pajama pants

current excitement:
No more work!

current mood:

Log in to write a note
June 5, 2010

So I totally love the song Airplanes too. I’ve been listening to it constantly for days now. 🙂 And I adore both Owl City and Paramore as well. 😉 I too have to admit that my shame-inducing guilty pleasure currently is downloading songs off of iTunes. 😉 *GIGANTIC RIDICULOUSLY HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE LOVING HUGS*