Hump Day
Y’know… I never really liked that term. "Hump Day" just isn’t all that pleasant or even all that funny. But whatever.
This week has been limping and dragging along. Work is absolute torture. At least before I was with actual people having actual conversations and interacting with other teachers. Now I’m all by myself. Even when I take the kids outside because Toddler 1 doesn’t use their actual playground time and basically kicked me out of the time that my class is actually scheduled to go. It’s just miserable and I want to leave. I was talking to Isabel last night and I was right that at least half of the moms there don’t work and don’t actually need daycare. Only one family in the entire center has the state-funded daycare subsidy Care4Kids and she’s an employee there.
I got a book from the library on finding gratifying work and did all the self-assessments and realized what I’ve always suspected… That my job just doesn’t match my interests or my personality, so is it any wonder that I’m unhappy there? I’ve been thinking about taking some online vet tech classes.
Anyway, time to go. And we can’t even go outside today because it’s pouring down outside. Ugh.
🙁 I’m sorry that things are still blowing at work. I really hope it gets a bit better so you can ride it out a little more if you decide to search for a new job so you can find a better one. *GIGANTIC RIDICULOUSLY HUGE FIERCELY LOVING HUGS*
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I’m sorry to hear that work still sucks. But on a happier note at least you recognize that there is a problem and are making steps towards changing it, even if the steps are only small ones it’s still a start. *Hugs*
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