Dear Congress…

Some of you seem to have forgotten just how the concept of money works. So let me remind you. You have to earn enough to cover all your expenses. If you have extra expenses, you have to borrow. If you borrow money and fail to pay it back, large men with sledgehammers break your kneecaps. So… if you’re experiencing low funds, you either need to increase revenue (in the real world we call it "getting a second job." You would call it raising taxes) or you need to decrease spending and eat nothing but Ramen and scrambled eggs for a couple weeks. If the guys with the sledgehammers have been sitting in a dark, late-model sedan outside your house for a week, it’s time to do BOTH.

I am just sick to death of the complete lack of decision I’m seeing on the part of this government. Their entire reason for existing is to govern. Governing is making decisions, proposing solutions, compromising. So when I see this many people sitting on their hands and doing nothing but rejecting every possible solution, it’s like walking into an accounting office during tax season to find all the accountants playing Angry Birds.

Everyone is so damn worried about getting themselves re-elected and preventing other people from getting re-elected, that they’re afraid to sneeze. Because if they propose solutions that are adopted and fail, they’ll get blamed. They somehow fail to see that this country is jumping from crisis to crisis like Eliza on the ice floes and guess what? It really is their fault! Do they really think that come election time their constituents are going to re-elect someone who made absolutely no viable suggestions to solve a national emergency and who brought nothing to the table but childish name-calling and scapegoating? They’re so worried about keeping their jobs that they’ve failed to do their jobs… And that’s a pretty good fucking way to get fired.

If they want to talk about cutting spending, maybe we should talk about merit based pay. If they start doing their job, the American people will pay them. If they keep up this bullshit, they don’t get paid. Sounds fair to me. And it’s a lot fairer than eliminating Social Security after people have been paying into it for 60 years with the promise of getting it back when they retire. And those big corporations with zillions of dollars. Of course it’s ridiculous to ask them to pay more taxes… or really, even the same percentage as everyone else. It’s much more practical to get our money from the lower and middle classes. Because they have so much.

Seriously? What is WRONG with you people?!

I had a dream last night that they suspended Constitutional government. They started rounding up soldiers and their families and putting us in vans to take us somewhere. The soldiers would have to stay on bases while their families were held as leverage to force the soldiers into doing what the new government wanted. We had less than an hour to pack a single bag with the things we’d need. I gave my house key to a neighbor and asked her to watch our cats.

I woke up this morning and the first news item I saw was about the proposed "Super Congress." Who knew I was psychic?


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July 24, 2011

Its sad to see what is happening to our once great country. Its like no one cares anymore.I still don’t understand why we are paying into ss, if were not going to get anything I return down the road. It is like we are renting our own money. Its hard anymore being the middle working class, and it seems to be a good life if your bottom welfare, unemployment people. Love your thoughts 🙂

July 24, 2011


July 25, 2011

stupid society…

July 25, 2011

RYN: I know; I can’t believe the Heartbeat Bill passed. I didn’t even hear about it until *after* it passed, and I was pissed that more wasn’t made of it on the news, in the newspapers, and by the groups who email me periodically about these issues.

July 26, 2011

you mean… you’re my… my fr…. *sniff*… my fr… 🙂

July 26, 2011

i was going for the word friend with an emotional stutter, but looking at the note it could read Fr. as in, abv for “father”. which would be an interesting turn of events if you DID turn your to be my father, but pretty unlikely.

July 31, 2011

RYN: I am really enjoying Beauty Queens. It combined with The Boundaries of her Body has me totally annoyed about the way women are treated. Beauty Queens is a lot of fun too, though.