Where to begin?

Summer is going by so fast! I can’t believe my kids will start back to school in two short weeks. I love having them home all summer and LOVE the lazy days we have been having. So..what’s been going on with us all summer?

Stephen worked with a friend’s dad farming all summer. He managed to save some money but spent most of it on his trip with the youth group to Florida. This is his third year to go on this trip and he was sad because it was probably his last because next summer he will be working with my Dad. Here are some pictures from his trip.

Now Stephen has started with two a day football practices so he’s not working anymore. He hates these two a days but is trying to enjoy them because he knows it’s the last time he’ll have to do this.

Kaylyn had a short cheerleading camp this summer. She tryed out and made AllStar and will get to take a trip to Houston during Thanksgiving break and be in a parade. Her and two other girls on the squad made it. Of course the sponsor will go with them.

Here they are in their new suits. Kaylyn is in the very middle beside the tallest blond haired girl.

She went to church camp, King’s Camp, last week. Next year she will do work study after her camp session and eventually she wants to be a counselor there. She’ll be so good at that :-). Here are a few pictures I got from the camp’s site.

This is with everyone she was rooming with…she’s at the right bottom.

We haven’t gotten to take a vacation this summer but that’s nothing new. We haven’t had a vacation a few summers. Lately we just don’t have the money to do anything and can’t get everyone together at the same time. But, Kinley and Landon have had a nice summer anyway. We’ve been swimming a lot and have gotten together with my sister and her kids a couple of times. We spent a few nights at her house and she and her kids spent four nights here.

I’ve been exercising a lot this summer and have lost 12 pounds :-). I feel great! I ride my bike three miles, sometimes four, every morning before the kids get up and then ride another three miles in the evening. Every other day I work out on Stephen’s BowFlex. I love how that has firmed up my legs, arms and stomach. Now that I have gotten in the habit of doing all this I don’t feel right if I don’t. It’s going to be very hard to keep it up once school starts but somehow I will. I want to lose about 7 more pounds and I will be where I’ve wanted to be for a long time.

That’s about all we’ve had going on here this summer. Here are just a few random pictures.

Okay, I am going now to attempt to catch up on some of my favorites. So, expect some back notes :-).

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August 1, 2007

Everyone looks great and SO grown up. *sighs* Makes me tear up just looking at how grown they all are now. *sappy smile* Yay for the weight loss. I really need to start riding more..that way I can get up to 3 or 4 miles a day. I really need to do something about my weight. While I’ve not gone over 270, I can’t get back under 260. 🙁 and I know it’s not a healthy weight for me. thank you foryour notes, by the way. i think zo looks a little like michaela did as a baby.. i’ll have to break out my old pics, too, and take a look. she looks a lot like both of my kids, there’s no mistaking that they’re related. 🙂

August 2, 2007

Vicki, they are gorgeous! I love seeing all the kids. I can’t believe how they have grown and how long we have known each other. Landon and Bailey just amaze me. =) Lots of {{{HUGS}}} to you and the kids!

August 3, 2007

What a busy summer the kiddos have had! And great job on the weight loss! =D Your kids are beautiful, all of them. They look so happy, too. I know I’ll be ecstatic once school starts again. Dylann is dying of boredom. ;P

August 5, 2007

With four kids there is always something going on huh? You do such a great job of juggling it all and still making sure that your family remains close even though everyone is going in different directions. I admire that. The kids look wonderful. Great job on the weight loss, that is so awesome!