Too Much…

I won’t even try to catch up all in one entry. So much for my good intentions of keeping this thing updated. Life has been crazy busy since school started back…just like I knew it would be. So, where to begin…

Football has kept us very busy. Stephen is a Senior so plays Varsity and Kaylyn is a cheerleader for JV. I go to Kaylyn’s pep rallies on Thursdays and their games that night and to Stephen’s pep rallies on Fridays and his games Friday nights. Most of the JV games have been home games so that’s good but we’ve had a lot of away games with Stephen. They keep the parents very busy and it seems like all my stuff fell in September. We feed the boys after all the away games. One game this month I made 48 sandwiches and this past Friday I had to take 48 small bags of chips and I made brownies for them. We also feed the boys before home games. I had to cook 15 boneless/skinless chicken breast…Jose’ grilled them outside. Last Thursday I had to work the gate at the peewee and JV games…just something every week.

At the beginning of the school year, before the first game, all the Varsity football players shaved their heads…all except for two boys. At first Stephen just buzzed his real close but two nights later came home with a mohawk :-). I was fine with it. He said he’s wanted one since he was a kid and this would be his only chance to do it without people thinking he was crazy LOL. Here are some pictures of right after he had it done.

To compare…this was him a few days before on the first day of school.

Homecoming is coming up in a couple of weeks. Since Stephen is a Senior football player he is on the court. Kinley got chosen to be flower girl this year :-). The way they decide who gets this is 1. If any of the Senior football players have a little sister in 1st, 2nd or 3rd grades, if not then 2. If any of the girls on the court have a sister in those grades, if not 3. teacher’s kids and so on down the line. Kinley has a Senior brother and is in the 3rd grade so she got to do it. I am so excited to have both of them on the court and Kaylyn will get to cheer with the Varsity cheerleaders for the Homecoming game so she’ll be getting to cheer for her brother. It’s going to be a great but VERY busy day. Here are a few pictures I took the day they announced the Homecoming court. They did it outside because the boys were leaving early from school for a game and the cheerleaders did a send-off instead of a pep rally.

Kinley with the crown bearer…he’s in her class and his sister is on the Homecoming court.

Stephen getting on the bus to leave.

We’ve had a lot of shopping to do to get ready for Homecoming. We all went two weekends ago…all of us. Kaylyn and her best friend were shopping for something to wear to the dance. This is the first year they get to go to the Homecoming dance. She picked a really cute outfit. All she still needs is black shoes.

Stephen just needed a dark/Fall color shirt to wear for pictures…he won’t need the tie for that. He’ll also wear this shirt to the dance with the tie. For the Homecoming program in that day he’ll wear a white shirt and red tie which he already has.

Kinley had to have three outfits. This one is for pictures. They have pictures done a couple of weeks before Homecoming for the newspaper and then they do an 8×10 of each person on the court and have it framed to hang in the lobby the day of the program. We will get to keep those framed pictures.

Then she needed a suit to wear during the presentation of the court at halftime of the game that night. She also has to wear a black hat which my sister got for her but I don’t have a picture of it yet. She will wear black hose with it.

We couldn’t find her a dress that day. We shopped for 12 hours and came home without one. But, I got online that night and immediately found one. It’s long and dark blue with some silver accents on the front. I don’t have a picture to show right now. The dress came in yesterday and it’s beautiful and fits her PERFECTLY, like it was made for her. I probably won’t have pictures of that until the day she wears it. I found her some silver shoes to wear with it.

So, that’s some of what we’ve been up to here. I have to go get Landon out of the bathtub and get ready for Open House at the school. I’ll try to write some more later or tomorrow.

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September 25, 2007

I can’t believe how Stephen has changed so much. He looks, even with a mohawk, like a man. YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL! I love seeing you with your kids. =) I love their clothes too! How exciting! Glad you are staying busy. Send me an e-mail!

September 26, 2007

Looks like everything is in full swing at your house! Glad to hear everything is going well.

September 26, 2007

*smiles* Talk about busy. I definitely understand.. one of the reasons why I’ve not been able to email you back. Everything’s just all over the place. I love how everyone looks so happy.. especially you. 🙂 you always look great in your pictures. 🙂

September 26, 2007

ryn: no worries. she did well regardless. 🙂 so don’t feel bad about not being able to help. she’ll be doing this fun run every year she’s at the school.. so there’s always some other time. 🙂 as for the weather…. it was actually pleasant here today. i was actually hot by the time we got home from doing our little shopping deal. it got up to 71, and felt like 73. now if only it would stay like that all year long. LOL

October 11, 2007

Yep, you sure sound like you’ve been busy. Stephen looks great, even with a mohawk! I LOVE the outfit Kaylyn picked out. Very classy!! Of course Kinley’s are adorable also. Congrats to her on being the flower girl. How exciting for her. You look fantastic too, BTW.

October 17, 2007

ryn: honestly, i can’t remember either, if someone took her that night or not. i don’t think so. the first time michaela was ever away from me was when lucien was born. so i don’t think she spent the night anywhere but with us. 🙂