The Big Day

Homecoming day was the longest, busiest day I’ve had in a long time. I woke up that morning and didn’t even want to get out of the bed because I knew what all I had to go through before I could go back to bed LOL. But, I was also very excited :-). I got a shower before I woke the kids up. Kinley didn’t go to school at all that day since we had so much to do to get her ready. After the other kids left for school I rolled Kinley’s hair in hot rollers and finished getting ready. We had to have her at the beauty shop at 9:15 and it is 30 minutes away. Jose’ took off work so he had Landon most of the day…that helped a LOT.

The lady did a good job on her hair and even fixed mine for me. I had tried to fix it but was in a hurry and just wasn’t happy with how it looked. Kinley’s hair didn’t hold up too well on one side. It was just so SO hot and humid that day. It looked good for most of the pictures though. We had to be at the place for pictures at 11:00. We got there a little early since the boys had to be there thirty minutes before the girls and I wanted to see Stephen get his pictures done and wanted to get pictures of the two of them together.

We had to stay there longer than we were suppose to because two of the girls were almost an hour late getting there. They were getting their hair done and I guess too many of them went to the same place. So, we had to go to the school and get their sandwich trays, fruit and drinks so they could eat there.

The program at the school was at 1:00. We had a lot of family show up…Mother in law, two sisters in law and their kids and my twin sister and her three kids. It was SO HOT in that gym. Why couldn’t we have had some nice Fall weather that day? It was an emotional thing for me seeing Stephen up there as a Senior and getting to have his little sister on the stage with him…it was great.

Here is Stephen with my mother in law. I love this picture because she doesn’t come to any of my kids’ things so it was a big deal that she was there.

Kaylyn got to move up and cheer with the Vasity cheerleaders since all but two of the Varsity were on the Homecoming court. They do that every year. She’s the one on the right.

Here she is the one getting the hair out of her face.

After the program was the parade. I’ll write about that and the game later. It’s almost midnight and I don’t have the pictures for those on my Snapfish yet. So, I’m going to bed.

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October 25, 2007

Wow, what a crazy day for you. I hate that feeling when you’re lying in bed not wanting to get up, knowing how much is in store for you that day! Kinley looks gorgeous!!!! That dress is stunning and looks like it was made for her! Her hair turned out so cute. I want to steal her beautiful skin too. Stephen looks so grown up and handsome as always.

October 25, 2007

The kids look amazing. What a fun day!

October 25, 2007

*smiles* they look great. i love kinley’s dress. it’s so pretty. 🙂

November 5, 2007

ryn about trick or treating: what i meant by that was the kids that are like 15/16 yrs old that don’t even dress up. they just go out, bags in hand and basically beg for candy. i would never say that you didn’t raise your kids right.