No Company

Well, the visit with my online friend fell through. I was very disappointed but things just didn’t go right for her. I feel bad for her and her daughter and hope things start looking up for them real soon. Maybe sometime in January she will be coming this way. Whenever, I’ll be ready. I had someone ask me the other day did I think it was safe to be letting someone I’ve never met come stay at my home. I don’t think of her as a stranger. I’ve known her for almost six years, we’ve talked on the phone a lot and we’ve laughed and cried together. She’s my friend and I don’t feel in the least bit afraid or apprehensive about having her here.

I made yet another trip to the doctor today…this time with Landon. He has strep just as I suspected since the girls have both had it. I thought he was going to slip past without getting it but started running fever yesterday evening. They gave him a shot and some more medicine and he’s not acting sick at all right now. I really hope I don’t get it with the holidays here and so much to do.

I felt like a terrible mother yesterday :-(. We are still working with Landon on his potty problems. A few days ago he finally on his own WENT!! I was so so so so happy. But, then he held it for two days. He went to sleep yesterday for a couple of hours and when he got up I noticed he had some skid marks in his underwear so I made him sit on the toilet. He cried and screamed and said he was sorry and said his legs hurt for the next thirty minutes. I didn’t want to let him get up because I knew he had to go but he was so pitiful. I finally let him up and he went straight to the couch and went back to sleep and shortly after I realized he had 101.6 fever :-(. I felt awful for having made him sit there for so long…just awful. It was a bad mommy moment for sure.

We are so broke right now it’s not even funny. I hate being like this. But, Jose’ gets paid in two more days and we can go finish up the little bit of shopping we have left to do. I am thankful that we are done with all the big stuff and our bills are paid but it sure would be nice to have some money left at the end of each month.

Every day has been feeling like a weekend here with everyone home. Jose’ is even off from now until after the New Year. I do love everyone being home but it’s hard never having any time just to myself. Jose’ has to go to the doctor in the morning for his back and wants me to go but with Landon being sick I doubt I will. Then he will be mad at me and say I never want to go anywhere with him. It’s a losing battle I fight around here. I can’t please everybody and I am only one person…they all need to remember that. Friday he and I will deliver some tamales and then go finish our shopping. I do look forward to doing that :-). Christmas is getting here too fast!! I love the days leading up to Christmas and am always so sad that night when it’s all over.

That’s about it here. Just hoping noone else gets sick. I hope you ALL have a wonderful Christmas!!

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December 20, 2006

I hope no one else gets sick there either, you have had your fair share! That is a bummer your friend couldn’t make it. I feel the same as you though about friends I have made here and wouldn’t be scared either. I agree that Christmas is coming so fast. It doesn’t feel like we have even had a chance to enjoy it and it is almost gone!

December 20, 2006