Merry Christmas!!

Hello all 🙂

I am writing this on my Christmas present from Jose’…a new laptop. I am so excited!! I have wanted one for a long time but never expected to get it…what a nice surprise. To make it even better he also got wireless internet so I can sit anywhere in the house and be online. Right now I’m in my own comfortable chair in the living room. Now I don’t have to fight anyone for a turn on the computer. He also got me the traditional five pair of panties from Victoria’s Secret and a really soft blanket I asked for. Stephen got me some house shoes and a candle. Last night I got a basket of foot care stuff from my dad’s house and my MIL gave me $40.00. Stephen’s girlfriend got me a very nice picture frame. I had a very good Christmas!!

We got home around 10:30 last night from my in-law’s house. We let the kids play a little bit with their new toys and then sent them to bed. Kinley went to sleep fast but it took a little longer with Landon. Then Landon woke up not long after we went to bed and he cried on and off the rest of the night. I don’t know what was wrong with him but it was a long night. Stephen woke up first this morning at 6:00 and took a shower before waking everyone else up. I wish I would have been camcording when Landon saw his Gameboy! He was even happier than I thought he would be. They were all very happy with what they got. I won’t list it all again because I’ve already done an entry about what they were getting.

We didn’t eat dinner until around 2:00 because we ate a late breakfast. Jose’ fried the turkey and made the dressing and I made the brocoli and cheese casserole and homemade macaroni and cheese. Yesterday Kaylyn made two pumpkin pies and banana pudding. We still have so much food…I won’t be cooking for a couple of days.

Stephen’s girlfriend got here right before we ate and she’ll stay until Stephen takes her home tonight. We won’t do our stockings until tonight. We started saving those a couple of years ago because they just get lost in all the other gifts in the morning. This way we have them to look forward to all day.

Okay, I’m going to get this saved before I lose connection. We are having trouble with our phone lines and I keep getting thrown off. I hope you all had a GREAT Christmas day :-).

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January 2, 2007

I found you on another entry and was REALLY excited to see you here! I’ll add you to my faves so you can see Jakey’s pictures..btw I was FedUpFmrFoder at ITW!