Lazy, Rainy Day :-)

I am slowing finding my way around here.  I’ve located two of my friends on here…still looking for a few more I’m pretty sure are here. 

Landon and I have had a lazy day…it’s been very nice.  I don’t have daycare kids on Tuesdays so it’s been pretty quiet.  He’s watched movies he got from the library yesterday and I’ve spent too much time on here :-).  I’ve also been reading trying to finish the book I’m reading so I can start on one of the other three I got yesterday.  I love having books waiting for me.  It’s been rainy and cloudy today…my favorite kind of day.  We have a cold front coming that should be here on Thursday so we will go from temps in the 70’s to a high in the 40’s.  I can’t wait.  We are also suppose to get some rain and possibly some sleet.  I can’t wait for that either but hope it will hold off until we get home from the football game.  We are going to freeze out there.  I will be taking my blanket and hand warmers and we are not taking Kinley and Landon.  I want to be able to sit and enjoy this game without worrying about where they are.  Win or lose this will be the last game of the season and I am SO glad.

I just called my MIL and asked her if she would please please pick Kinley up from school because Landon is asleep.  He didn’t go down for a nap until 1:45 and is still sleeping good so I really didn’t want to have to wake him up.  I’m sure he’ll be awake soon anyway but just didn’t want to wake him up and then drag him out into the rainy weather.  She said she would and didn’t sound too aggravated. 

Not sure what’s for supper tonight.  Jose’ is going to Kaylyn’s basketball game since it’s near where he works.  He said they would eat on the way home.  Landon will eat a corn dog and be happy with it but Kinley doesn’t like them.  She may be getting cereal for supper.

So, as you can see not much going on here.  Still don’t know how to put pictures but when Mikie gets a minute I’m going to get her to tell me.  I know she’s busy with the new baby :-).  I remember how time consuming they are…but so worth it!

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November 29, 2006

Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day to me. Sometimes we need a day of nothing!

November 30, 2006

I’m such a book lover too and always have one waiting also. What are you reading?