I’m so tired…and cold

I have decided to go see my doctor tomorrow. I sure hope he has an opening. I need to go have my thyroid levels checked…it’s been a while. I had thyroid problems when Landon was a few months old. My hair started falling out and I was so tired all the time. I found out I had not only thyroid problems but also a very low estrogen level. So, I was put on hormones and thyroid medicine. I stayed on those for a year and a few months and then the doctor I see now slowly weaned me off them. For the past few years everything has been fine and the last time we checked both levels still looked good. But, that’s been a while ago. For the past few months I have been losing my hair again. Some days it’s really bad like it was after Landon was born. I’m also feeling tired again…very tired and like I just never have any energy. Even when I first get up in the mornings I feel tired. Another symtom is that I am cold all the time. I keep the heat up on 70 but am still so cold I keep a jacket on in the house. Yesterday I had an episode of my heart beating too fast and hard and that’s another thing associated with thyroid. So, I feel sure that’s what’s wrong.

Kaylyn hasn’t been feeling good either and was crying when she got home from school today. Sounds like her endometriosis is bothering her again but she’s also just not feeling good. I am going to take her with me tomorrow for a good checkup too. If Kinley keeps coughing like she is now I may end up taking her too.

I had a good mail day today :-). I got Landon a Mario game for his Gameboy from ebay for only $12.00 and it came today. It was used but came in a case and with the instruction book. I put it in his gameboy he’s getting for Christmas and it works perfect. The part we have been needing for our vacuum cleaner came in. I have my stick vac but I have missed being able to vacuum real good with my big one. Kaylyn and I took the vacuum apart and replaced the bad hose with the new one but dang it all we discovered it also has a broken belt. So, still can’t use it. Then in the mail Jose’ got a gift certificate from the principal at the kids’ school. It’s for $50.00 to the Country Club here in town. We are not members there but can use the money to go eat steaks one night…that’ll be nice. They thanked him for all the work he does for the school…I thought that was nice and I know it made him feel good. So, good mail day.

Jose’ and I went to his mom’s house tonight to make tamales. He got a big order to help us finish our shopping and to have some extra money in the bank. I think we did 20 dozen. We left the kids at home. Kaylyn was so sweet and even though she felt bad she cleaned the kitchen and playroom for me. I really do have some good kids :-).

Okay, going to give Kinley some cough medicine and find Landon’s cup so he will go lay down. Then I am going to read myself to sleep. Nite all.

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December 7, 2006

Hope everyone starts feeling better! That is a lot of Tamales! I am on the search for a good Tamale place. The mexican store we had here that I went to all the time to get them closed! Wish you guys lived closer. Really I just need to learn how to make them!